August 22, 2022 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting of the Louise ISD Board of Trustees
Agenda |
Call to Order
Announcement by the Chairman that a quorum is present, and that the Notice of Meeting had been posted in the time and manner required.
Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
Welcome Visitors
Public Forum: Affording members of the public to address the Board on issues not related to individual personnel concerns
Superintendent's Report
Lone Star Governance Presentation
State Ratings
School Board Election
Asst. Superintendent/Business Manager's Report
Principal's Report
Technology Report
Cafeteria Report
Maintenance Report
Transportation Report
Action Items
Consider and Possible Action regarding chiller maintenance contract
Consider and Possible Action regarding 4H Extracurricular Status
Consider and Possible Action regarding Covid Days for employees
Consider and Possible Action regarding the upgrade of the CNC cutter in the Welding Lab
Consider and Possible Action regarding the Guardian Program
Consider and Possible Action regarding the Budget for the 2022-23 School Year
Consider and Possible Action to set a tax rate to meet the budget requirements for the 2022-23 school year.
Consider and Possible Action regarding the purchase of items for the Safe and Secure School Plan
Consider and Possible Action regarding Communication boosters for cell and radio traffic within the Louise ISD
Consider and Possible Action regarding upgrades and additions to fencing the main campus perimeter, interior and district perimeter
Consent Agenda
Approve minutes from the Regular and Special meeting/s and workshop/s.
Approve meal prices for the 2022-23 school year
Approve Budget Amendments
Approve Food Service Vendors
Approve Unemployment Compensation Renewal
Closed Meeting
The governmental body may go into closed meeting as authorized by V.T.C.A. Government Code Chapter 551 Subchapter D as provided in the Notice of this meeting. The following items may be discussed in Closed Meeting
The Board may seek the advice for the governmental body on other matters that are protected by the attorney/client privilege (TGC 551.071);
The Board may discuss the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of public employee. (TGC 551.074)
The Board will reconvene to consider and possibly vote on items discussed in closed session