August 29, 2014 at 6:00 PM - Special Meeting
Agenda |
Call to Order
Announcement by the Chairman that a quorum is present, and that the Notice of Meeting had been posted in the time and manner required
Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
Welcome Visitors
Hearing of students, employees, and visitors
2014 Safety Audit
2014-2015 Student Handbook
Business Manager
Finance report July 2014
Accounts payable report July 2014
Consider 2014-2015 Budget
Consider 2014-2015 Tax Rate
Consider distribution of the academic stipend
Consider Academic UIL stipends
Consider 2014-2015 Student Code of Conduct
Consent Agenda
Consider contract with Linebarger Attorney firm for PVS appeals
Consider TASB update 100: CPC(LOCAL) Office Management/Records Management, CRD(LOCAL) Insurance and Annuities Management/Health and Life Insurance, DCB(LOCAL) Employment Practices/Term Contracts, DCD(LOCAL) Employment Practices/At-Will Employment, FDA(LOCAL) Admissions/Interdistrict Transfer, FL(LOCAL) Student Records, GBAA(LOCAL) Information Access/Request for Information, GKB(LOCAL) Community Relations/Advertising and Fundraising in the Schools
Consider proposed budget amendments
Consider minutes of the 21 July Regular Board meeting.
Consider minutes of the August 18th budget and tax rate hearing
Consider minutes of the August 18th regular Board meeting