January 17, 2024 at 1:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Open Forum
2. Approval of Minutes
3. Approval of Financial Statement
4. Reports to the Board
4.A. RDA (Results Driven Accountability)
Reports were released and emailed to you on January 10th - NO DISTRICT HAD SIGNIFICANT DISPROPORTIONALITY!!!
4.B. PLAAFP and Annual Goals
Training sessions began for all teachers in the 2022-2023 school year. Teachers had 10 different training days they could choose to come to one or all days if they wanted during the 2022-2023 school year. Melissa also trained individual campuses and individual teachers when requested during the 2022-2023 school year. For the 2023-2024 all district teachers received training in August. Melissa has met with individual teachers from the remaining districts that will be monitored this year and next year. She continues to meet weekly or bi-weekly with teachers this year.
4.C. SSA Staff Evaluations
Evaluations will be sent to your principals by February 1st. Encourage them to be honest with their evaluation of the SSA staff. I do ask them to report any concerns and/or praises they have for the SSA staff. This year I will send evaluations for the contracted staff (PT, OT, O&M, DHH teacher)
4.D. Next Year SSA Staff Evaluations
I am not planning to send SSA Staff evaluations during the 2024-2025 school year. We have 5 districts going through TEA Cyclical monitoring that year. I will ask your principals to let me know if they have any concerns about SSA Staff in 2024-2025, but formal evaluation forms will not be sent out.
4.E. VI Registration
Paula Reed is working with your 504 Contacts to complete the VI Registration. Superintendents will need to certify in February. If you have any questions when you get the email, let Paula or me know.
4.F. SSA Audit
4.G. SHARS Cost Report Training
Two staff members from each district MUST participate in the SHARS Cost Report Training. Attached is the training schedule. Be sure 2 district employees register and watch this webinar. (Itasca and Bynum - You don’t have to do the training this year)
4.H. RMTS Training FY 2024
It is crucial LEAs understand that compliance with the RMTS annual training requirement is mandatory. Failure to comply with this requirement will impact the LEA’s ability to draw federal funding for MAC and/or SHARS services provided. In addition, LEA’s will not be given full access to the online time study system for FFY 2024 until the annual training requirement is met. Annual training is mandatory for at least two district employees designated by the entity as a RMTS Contact. The RMTS Contact is responsible for ensuring the district complies with all RMTS requirements and serves as a communicator between HHSC and their district participants. A Primary RMTS contact will be required to complete annual training (May 2023 - August 2023) before the 1st quarter PL closes. A Secondary RMTS contact will be required to complete annual training (May 2023 - November 2023) before the 2nd quarter PL closes. If a district has multiple secondary RMTS Contacts, the primary contact can select one person who will be responsible for completing the annual training. A third-party vendor, SSA or Co-op training credit will not be counted as fulfilling a districts annual training compliance. Once a district’s primary and secondary RMTS contact have completed the two district employee required annual training, their full training compliance for the current federal fiscal year will be met. If a district has an SSA, Co-op or third party vendor, they will be able to continue to provide the services they have been providing and/or contracted to do for the district, however each district must conform to the annual training requirement. |
5. Discussion
5.A. Next Year Calendars
If you are considering a 4-day week, let us know ASAP. Therapy schedules are based on a 5-day week and ARD meetings will need to be held to modify the therapy schedules for students. (Speech, PT, OT, VI, DHH, O&M, Counseling, Behavior)
5.B. SHARS Reimbursement
Reimbursements per district is attached.
6. Action
6.A. Director's Appraisal
Discuss the Director's evaluation and contract extension for one year
6.B. Director Goals
7. Executive Session
7.A. Director's Appraisal
7.B. Director Goals
8. Announcements
The next SSA Board meeting will be 4/17/24
2/21/24 & 3/20/24 are El Con luncheons only. |
9. Adjourn