July 19, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Consideration to Approve Agenda
Board President
3. Approval of Minutes of Previous Board of Education Meetings
Board President
4. Opportunity for Audience
Any citizen who would like to address the Board will be able to do so as the item on the regular agenda. Comments will be limited to 2 minutes per subject. If further time is needed, concerns should be addressed to the Superintendent. Personnel matters will not be discussed in a public meeting. Items that appear under the heading Routine and Regular Business will not be discussed or comments taken unless it is requested that they be removed from that category and placed on the regular agenda. Action on Routine and Regular Business will be acted upon with one motion and one vote.
Carol Worley - Chairperson for Packs for Hungry - hard to teachers and staff and everyone has done their part. 286 finished with 312. spend over $100,000 feeding children. generous community. if we can change the life of one child.
last 3 years has been a roller coaster. three shifts, deliver here and loving. we just make it work. non-perishable items. considering Christmas boxes (50 lbs). school week (10-12 lbs). thank you for the bottom of our hearts. Community appreciates you. |
5. REPORTS/RECOGNITIONS 1) Intrepid Donation to start Boys & Girls Club Satellite Operation at Desert Willow Elementary 2) RBC Capital Financial Report 3) Superintendent's Report
Gerry C. Washburn, Superintendent
New initative with community with boys and girls club. Intrepid $100,000 donation towards an after school program. CEO Boys & Girls Club Etka Patel, David Beaty President and . - Desert Willow Admin Staff - Lynde Lonbind, summer Daughters, Lisa Nesbit will all work together to start this program. Exited about opportunity and grow this impact. Honored to have the ability to help children on both sides of the City. Using Art & Music room, gym, cafeteria at times. Estatic about the opportunity. Board thanked them for their dedication to this project.
2) RBC Capital - Erik Harrigan presentation to discuss several items - potention for GO Bond to maintain tax rate. History of assessed Valuation. Oil and gas values for 20-21 2 1/2 billion - hit almost 7 billion. total assessed value 9.2 billion dollar. District has collected significant oil and revenue which has allowed the district to pay off bonds.. Debt service tax rate. Outstanding Debt - just issued last services of general obligation bonds, has redeemed or paid off prior very quickly. Debt management plan....17 million in Ed Tech Notes in late summer/early fall. With a left over debt service balance the district can fully defense 2016 bonds and partially all of 2020 bonds and some of the 2021 bonds 2019 - estimated November 23 estimated of 50 million dollars many changes since then.able to go out for 85 million and to continue $4.43 tax rate. recommending the district go out for 85 million in Nov 2022 and maintain $4.44 tax rate. and then in another 4 years to go out again. Questions are now allowed. filed by august 30 to be placed on the November ballot. maintain debt service tax rate. - maintain and build within the statutory frame work - use sponge bonds to take the money and will keep the tax rate were it is. Capital Projects can be provided for the District. - Must stay on top of projects and gives the district opportunities. 3) Superintendent's Report - Attendance, Achievement, Attainment and Attitude. Puts students on the path to success. Master skills necessary to succeed in life. Staff and Students. District Boundaries - one of the duties to establish boundaries, NM State Statute required after Census. Needs to be done by December or January. Any changes necessary will reflect when they are up for election. Looking for an RFP to bring in a group to do all the demographics. Motion to adopt the boundaries. Hope Teacher Recruitment - 15 days in; 92,289 view ad. view 165,894 times. 2,965 clicks in the website from the ad. NM, TX and AZ has most interest. ND is last. Website not user friendly and working to improve it. 19 vacancies as of today. Construction DW and Ocotillo - occupying the new wings. Riverside - August 1st complete except for the Punch lIst - scheduled to move in the week of the 25. waiting on state fire Marshall, on track, if something happens.....we may have to push start date back one week. decision will be made by next week to allow ample time for everyone to be notified. CHS field house - portable scheduled on 8/15/22 and occupying it November 2022. Construction starts. Monterrey - 9/22 start 1/23 and complete 3/24. Sunset RFP 9/22 design 12/22, complete 12/23 October 2024. behind due to COVID delays. Possible Construction Supervisory position. |
6.A.1. Monthly Vendor Spend Reports
Crystal Hernandez, Chief Procurement Officer
6.A.2. Formal Contract Procurement Awards (June 2022) For Information Only
Crystal Hernandez, Chief Procurement Officer
6.A.3. Authorization to pay bills, approve District Cash report, approve Budget Report for the previous month and accept donations as included within the agenda.
Laura Garcia, Director of Finance
6.A.4. Report of 2021-22 Year End Budget Adjustments
Laura Garcia, Director of Finance
6.A.5. Budget Increase - Fund 31300 - Carlsbad Foundation (BAR #0002-I)
Laura Garcia, Director of Finance
6.A.6. NM PreK Modified Award FY23
Laura Garcia, Director of Finance
6.A.6.a. Motion to approve Routine and Regular Business
Board President
6.B. 2021-22 QTR-3 Reports: PED & GSD (ACTION)
Laura Garcia, Director of Finance
21-22 qtr 3 report as submitted to PED. Required by PED and NM general services dept. actual revenues and expenses at the end of the quarter. all funds were in good standing,
6.C. Salary as negotiated for United Steel Workers (ACTION)
Lisa Robinson, Director of Human Resources
Ms. Robinson - Salary as negotiated by United Steel Workers - reflects all steel workers. Tenatively agreed.
Approve change in date for December, 2022 Board Meeting.
7.A. Change of Date for December, 2022 Board Meeting (ACTION)
Gerry C. Washburn, Superintendent
7.B. Second Reading and Adoption of Proposed Policy GBA-G-0200 Equal Employment Opportunity (ACTION)
Lavern Shan, Deputy Superintendent
second reading
7.C. Second Reading and Adoption of Proposed Policy GCIA-G-4150 Teacher Residency Program (ACTION)
Lavern Shan, Deputy Superintendent
7C second reading
7.D. Second Reading and Adoption of Proposed Policy GE-G-9400 Retiree Return to Work (ACTION)
Lavern Shan, Deputy Superintendent
Second Reading and Adoption
7.E. Second Reading and Adoption of Proposed Policy IHB-I-2350 Special Instructional Programs (ACTION)
Lavern Shan, Deputy Superintendent
Second Reading and Adoption
Gerry C. Washburn, Superintendent
9. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Motion by the Chair to dismiss to Executive Session by roll call to discuss limited Personnel Matters. The specific statute authorizing closing is NMSA 1--15-1 (H) (1) No action will be taken in Executive Session.