June 21, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Consideration to Approve Agenda
Board President
3. Approval of Minutes of Previous Board of Education Meetings
Board President
4. Opportunity for Audience
Any citizen who would like to address the Board will be able to do so as the item on the regular agenda. Comments will be limited to 2 minutes per subject. If further time is needed, concerns should be addressed to the Superintendent. Personnel matters will not be discussed in a public meeting. Items that appear under the heading Routine and Regular Business will not be discussed or comments taken unless it is requested that they be removed from that category and placed on the regular agenda. Action on Routine and Regular Business will be acted upon with one motion and one vote. |
5. REPORTS/RECOGNITIONS 1) Trap & Skeet Team, Culinary Arts, FFA, Softball and Baseball Recognitions 2) Terry Carrera, National BPA Advisor of the Year 3) Michelle Odemwingie/ANET
Gerry C. Washburn, Superintendent
Recognizing kids that accel. - 1). Trap & Skeet - Mark Hamel - State Champions again 12 shooters. most will be returning next year. Season begins in September - May. Very proud of shooters. 1) FFA - Recognized as top ranking team in NM. January- Parlimentary Procedure Award. compete at National Top Superior Chapter. 1) Culinary Arts - State Champions and went to Nationals - younger group coming up. 1) Girls Softball - 320 runs allowed 72, 53 home runs - Faith - home runs and runs scored. 422 batting average as a team - 9 all district selections 7 all state selections, max prep player of the year. 2) Terry Carrera, National BPA Adviosor of the Year.
3) Michelle Odemwingie/ANet -- Tiffany - Presentation and Report - CEO Achievement Network - A Community Experience; Up to last 4 years. Focus on capacity of schools and school system. Best possible learning environment. 2018 Sizeable grant; find 4-5 districts that you think have the potential to be great. Package and let us know and tell their story. PUt most high quality materials in Mathematics and ELA was the biggest goal. All students now have access through school coaching. Providing Timeline over 4 years. Math was the focus 19-20 - implemented during the 20-20 SY. Met all outcomes - 100% agreement on 10 out of 12 questions themes asked at both beginning and end of project. Next year even with COVID. - more teaching using materials than in past years. - Case study was published so others could learn from our District. Teacher voices are most important . Community is also important and whee we want to go. this coming year, math implementation Phase 2, to ensure all students are becoming very strong mathematicians. ELA will also be provided with support.- Teacher and Student needs. continue to work so that in 23-24, gradual release - schools should be able to do this work on their own with district leadership assist. |
6.A.1. Authorization to pay bills, approve District Cash report, approve Budget Report for the previous month and accept donations as included within the agenda.
Laura Garcia, Director of Finance
6.A.2. Monthly Vendor Spend Reports
Crystal Hernandez, Chief Procurement Officer
6.A.3. Renewal RFP #2014-2015-04 Telecommunication Services
Crystal Hernandez, Chief Procurement Officer
6.A.4. Renewal RFP 2020-2021-23 Professional Development and Specialized Training
Crystal Hernandez, Chief Procurement Officer
6.A.4.a. Motion to approve Routine and Regular Business
Board President
6.B. Award RFP 2021-2022-03 Advertising and Marketing Services (ACTION)
Crystal Hernandez, Chief Procurement Officer
6.C. Award RFP 2021-2022-05 Food and Non-Food Supplies (ACTION)
Crystal Hernandez, Chief Procurement Officer
6.D. Award RFP 2021-2022-06 Moving Services (ACTION)
Crystal Hernandez, Chief Procurement Officer
6.E. Purchasing Guidelines Based on Threshold - For Informational pruposes.
Crystal Hernandez, Chief Procurement Officer
6.F. Designation of Chief Procurement Officer (ACTION)
Gerry C. Washburn, Superintendent
6.G. Resolution Authorizing District Representatives to Conduct Financial Business (ACTION)
Laura Garcia, Director of Finance
6.H. 2021-2022 Office Specialist/Technician Salary Schedule Correction (ACTION)
Laura Garcia, Director of Finance
Did not have language that aligned with that agreement. The schedule included has the original and the corrected language. Consideration of the Board; - Ms. McMillan has brought up a lot of concerns - the previous board has brought up before - written agreement and - included various forms of - Negotiated language....one word was added..(intent of schedule). Corrected language bring it back to what it was intended at - written copy is different (finance and Central office) - recommended by Legal Counsel - administrative error. agreement could be honored as it is intended. Responsibility increment has not been paid on for this year. - Identified discrepancy as was being brought to pay. - Dr. W - TA handwritten;- union will present schedule to us-mark through or add things during negotations. - contacted Tony Ortiz (TA is tentative agreement). You have the option is not paying. Tony believes approve corrected language on the contract - Could be paid as it is and enter into a MOU with union as what is being paid . Approve schedule as it is. and enter into A MOU to pay all those on the salary schedule as a one time payment. It needs to be corrected and approved by NEA so it can get paid for all employees paid - correct on the salary schedule. know how error occurred. In between - August then and know minimum salaries were increased up to $15 per hour, happened inbetween; dollar values changed from class A to go forward (all cells incrementally changed). When one change is made. Clancey - - Salary schedule provided with their contract? Clancey - massive error and sat and was listed on the website and collective bargaining document. Owning the error and be transparent. Would not want it taken away. Laura - did not want to implement with correction. Jan or Feb. it was identified on the document. Laura took responsibility for the - identify problem and did not bring it forward. It was intended to address helping out finance department. - Action needs to be taken. - Robbie - If you agree - Clancey - approve the corrected language and the office/specialist technician and to authorize the administration to enter into a MOU to hold employees harmless for management error and pay all employees as it has read for Central Office and
finance and will address this with NEA. - Lewis I and Clancey - Motion passes. |
6.I. Approval of Lodging Cost in Excess of Allowable Limits (ACTION)
Laura Garcia, Director of Finance
Reservations were not confirmed and prices were ranged much higher than the allowable amount. Based on timing. - to meet complaince.
Travelers responsibility - Utilized P card - Hotel said that hotel declined and coach was not notified. Team was ready to depart that reservations were released. Several tournaments and activities and availability. - State Tournament. - Hotel did not notify when the card was declined. |
6.J. Donaton - Cal Ripkin, Sr. Foundtion for STEM Centers (ACTION)
Laura Garcia, Director of Finance
6.K. FY23-FY26 Grant Application/Award for NM PreK (ACTION)
Justin Gossett, Director of Special Education
FY23-26 NM Pre K Grant - running half day program. feedback from parents wanting full day. Affects workload for teachers. Transportation is a big issued with a mid day run. Extended full day was the best option for our District. 5 teachers to 10 teachers at 200 kids. helps ancillary staff to provide speech and OT. 4 day week. - requirements are quite extensive. PD and IA; Coaching and home visits. Parent Engagement and PLC time. Hopes to see some changes for teachers.
6.L. MOU between NEA Carlsbad and the Carlsbad Municipal School District (ACTION)
Lisa Robinson, Director of Human Resources
6.M. MOU between AFT/CFUSE Carlsbad and the Carlsbad Municipal School District (ACTION)
Lisa Robinson, Director of Human Resources
7.A. Agreement Between City of Carlsbad and Carlsbad Municipal Schools for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 (ACTION)
Gerry C. Washburn, Superintendent
7.B. Approval of proposed contract between Carlsbad Municipal School District and Achievement Network (ANet) for the 2022-2023 School Year. (ACTION)
Lavern Shan, Deputy Superintendent
7.C. Approval of proposed contract between Carlsbad Municipal School District and Opportunity Culture Design Implementation Support for the 2022-2023 School Year (ACTION)
Lavern Shan, Deputy Superintendent
Opportunity Culture to extend the reach of teachers and students. Give the opportunity to build great teachers. Additional time, meeting with Midland and went to tours and schools. Benefits to new teachers - coaching of new teachers - providing opportunities for our students. Approve a proposed contractact. - 4 school and undergo - Progress Planning.. Mr. Lewis attended tour in Midland/Odess - was very impressed - one of the classes they took a group of children who were performed before national average..they were ten points higher than the national average after they went through this program. upon evaluation. - this program should work for the children here.
7.D. First Reading of Proposed Policy GBA-G-0200 - Equal Employment Opportunity - No Action Required.
Lavern Shan, Deputy Superintendent
7.E. First Reading of Proposed Policy GCIA-G-4150 - Teacher Residency Program -No Action Required.
Lavern Shan, Deputy Superintendent
7.F. First Reading of Proposed Policy GE-G-9400 - Retiree Return to Work - No Action Required.
Lavern Shan, Deputy Superintendent
Gerry C. Washburn, Superintendent
9. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Motion by the Chair to dismiss to Executive Session by roll call to discuss limited Personnel Matters. The specific statute authorizing closing is NMSA 1--15-1 (H) (1) No action will be taken in Executive Session.