August 17, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
meeting called to order by President Shoup.
2. Consideration to Approve Agenda
Board President
3. Approval of Minutes of Previous Board of Education Meetings
Board President
4. Opportunity for Audience
Any citizen who would like to address the Board will be able to do so as the item on the regular agenda. Comments will be limited to 2 minutes per subject. If further time is needed, concerns should be addressed to the Superintendent. Personnel matters will not be discussed in a public meeting. Items that appear under the heading Routine and Regular Business will not be discussed or comments taken unless it is requested that they be removed from that category and placed on the regular agenda. Action on Routine and Regular Business will be acted upon with one motion and one vote.
Richard & Amelia Williams - prevented from attending, do have issues with PED and Michele Lujan-Griasham. Santa Fe would control everything, we have nothing to lose since the PED; - fight against mask mandates. No segration from unvaccinated.
Zamora, Christopher - against mask mandate and CRT - son has an IEP; jr high A & B student, when isolation began he began to decline in grades and masks caused him to go down. put in classroom by himself. what was offered was not any better. Community shut down. Time to stand. its gonna be here we need to learn to live with COVID. Regan Hayworth - American, tax payer and voter, a mother - solely responsible for our children, not PED, not the governor, not the STATE. NM school 50 in the nation. can't learn from masked teachers. cloth masks. Parent - proud of the community to stand for the 2nd amendment; protect children from tyranny, we will change our vote. Stormy - grandchildren in school, entire summer, going everywhere all summer at all children and have not caught anything. She has traveled and has not gotten anything. masks do not prevent the spread of the virus as per the box they come in. COVID is causing fear. Listen to the people of your community and abide by what they want. Jim Townsend - district 54 artesia/carlsbad and parts of Alamogordo. - support the people. if not issues will arise. local control - people of nm elect their school board members and they should listen to them. had 100's of call in the last 3 weeks, people in SE NM are not the only ones upset. work very hard to communicate with these people and they will support. David Gallegos - District Loving/Lea County/Lovington - school board member in Eunice - local control option - consider those that have antibodies. important for all school boards to get together. Thomas Wilson - local business owner - could not understand anything he said. girl - could not hear anything - really wants a solution for all this. Clifford Stroud - turn my back on you don't deserve respect either. can't understand anything said Commissioner District 4 - invite school board would appreciate and do deserve some answers - advise you to take questions from the crowd. Brandie Nichols - not affecting our children; now they are afraid to get on the bus; it is dangerous for them to breathe. as an adult uncomfortable to wear a mask, a daughter has asthma image how unconformatable it is for her. health of children is at stake. Janice - two grandchildren and I am homeschooling because of masks. elected offical and you are the voices and hear what they are saying. |
5. REPORTS/RECOGNITIONS 1) Superintendent's Report 2) Christy Bryant - Current and future medical mandates.
Christy Bryant - gathering information for her kids. question is to mask or unmask, vaccinate or not; data changes daily. information was finding. site your source can't collect and put it down. Parents know their own children. mental health of children, want to work together and they (PED) should not be making medical choices for our students. no schedules on day one.
Trent Cornum - many in the crowd - masks don't work and it won't protect us from COVID - Mr. Singleton is leaving the meeting at this time. - what is our Authority as Board Member - statutorily has zero control and we only control the Superintendent. The legislature ties our hand and have the law change we don't have the authority. - What would happen if we followed Floyd school board decision and not folloow state mandates. New sec of education and he said i think this man deserves a chance and he is coming into this position. He wants to come down and talk to board members and see if we can't get more local control to the Board. Joe Guilllen - when was local control lost - only within the last year that things have changed. We can't have the concensus of the public and he wants to hear what they have to say. And Mr. Singleton is leaving the meeting at this time. Superintendent is trying to work. if we follow floyds mandates, all board members fired as well as Sueprintendent and they will appoint someone from PED and will tell you how to run your board and district. They would take licenses and insurance and funding away from the schools. Dr. Zink - updates - We all want our children back in school. Guidance American Academy of Pediatrics - Universal masking at this time especially in high community cases. recommends vaccinations. carlsbad is seeing a dramatic increase although mild. along with RSV. hospital are full and difficult finding beds and getting patients transferred. Nationwide with COVID over the last week. Word of advice - parents and schools in a difficult place - respectfully dialog. Shared epidemic curve in Eddy County. Dr. Washburn - Ocotillo has 5 positive staff, 1 student on watchlist, DW - watchlist, ECEC - 4 staff 3 responses, 3 students, Mont - 2 rapid, students, CHS - 10 students, 6 rapid , 1 staff on watch list, not voluntarily closed all athletics would be stopped. PRL 16 students, 5 rapids, 4 staff, Cottonwood - 2 rapids, on watchlist, AV - 2 rapids 1, staff, 1 student, ECHS - 2 rapids, 3 students, 1 staff, Eddy - 1 staff, 1 rapid response. Working with Secretary of Ed. - defer on pushing any other closures further trying to get new numbers on rapid responses to continue to operate. Will speak again on Friday. issue with CHS - get some assurances we would not be able to continue activities. any cases from CHS do not count right now because on remote. Elem - are trying very hard to keep kids in school, quarantine guidelines - can only quarantine a few kids. Eddy County - 26 ped cases per day, 13 periatric cases today - 65 total in Eddy County. Guidance - as of this afternoon the Govenor - universal mandate for all pre k schools; we are in high transmission rate - all staff must be wearing masks while inside - surveillance testing; - per governors; order, test 100 % of staff they are unvaccinated. Everyone, teachers, custodial (310 unvaccinated) will be tested every week. hiring 2 additional health and safety officers. - currently using vault testing system; self administer test - go online and test and results provided. Voluntary testing of students will also be in place soon. Staff testing - usually finds the asymptomatic persons that are carrying the virus. |
6.A.1. Authorization to pay bills, approve District Cash report, approve Budget Report for the previous month and accept donations as included within the agenda.
Laura Garcia, Director of Finance
6.A.2. Monthly Vendor Spend Reports
Crystal Hernandez, Chief Procurement Officer
6.A.3. Budget Increase - Fund 29102 Private Donations (BAR #0003-I)
Laura Garcia, Director of Finance
6.A.4. Budget Increase - Fund 21000 Food Services (BAR #0001-I)
Laura Garcia, Director of Finance
6.A.5. Arbitrage Compliance Update (FOR INFORMATION ONLY) NO ACTION REQUIRED
Sandra Stallings
Sandra Stallings (check spelling) - Quick update, Tax exempt bonds must comply with federal tax law. (disparty between two markets ) Did the review and district is in good shape.
6.A.5.a. Motion to Approve Routine and Regular Business:
Board President
6.B. Resolution Determining the Necessity for Lease Purchase of Education Technology Equipment (ACTION)
Laura Garcia, Director of Finance
Erik Harrigan - RBC Capital market - Resolution determining the Necessity for Lease Purchase of Education Technology Equipment. Up to 9 million dollars. This note will be place with the NM State treasurer. Art Melendres - Modrall Sperling
6.C. Resolution Authorizing Defeasance of Series 2014 and 2016 General Obligation Bonds (ACTION)
Laura Garcia, Director of Finance
Erik - Resolution Authorizing Defeasance of Series 2014 and 2016 General Obligation Bonds. - Early - able to redeem early - provide $1 million dollars savings in interest costs. Art Melendrez is also available for questions. -
6.D. 2020-21 Quarter -3 Report (ACTION)
Laura Garcia, Director of Finance
Laura Garcia - Quarter 3 Report - Presented to PED for approval as of 3/31/21.
6.E. Award RFP 2020-2021-23 Professional Development and Specialized Training (ACTION)
Laura Garcia, Director of Finance
Award RFP 2020-2021-24 Personal Learning and On Line Learning -
6.F. AWARD RFP 2020-2021-24 Personal Learning and Online Learning Platform (ACTION)
Crystal Hernandez, Chief Procurement Officer
Award RFP 2020-21-24 Personal Learning
6.G. American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act, Elementary and Secondary School Education Relief Fund (ESSER III) 24330 - Initial Budget (ACTION)
Allison Hervol, Asst. Superintendent of C & I
American Rescue Act -
6.H. Bus Route Assignments and Bus Drivers for the 2021-2022 School Year (ACTION)
Kevin Dillon, Director of Operations
Bus Route Assignments and Bus Drivers
6.I. Transportation Boundary Agreement with Loving Municipal Schools (ACTION)
Kevin Dillon, Director of Operations
Transportation Boundary Agreement with Loving Municipal Schools.
7.A. Resolution Seeking NMPED Recognition and Enhancement of Local School Board Authority (ACTION)
Gerry C. Washburn, Superintendent
Resolution seeking NM Public Ed. recognition of school board authority - Restricting - will forward to PED and also local representatives. - limited by law - we can make better decisions for our school and they have to be carried forward by our representatiaves.
7.B. Second Reading and Adoption of Proposed Policy BID-B-3400 (Board Member Compensation and Expenses) (ACTION)
Lavern Shan, Deputy Superintendent
Second reading and adoption of policy.
7.C. Second Reading and Adoption of Proposed Policy GBEA-G-0650 Staff Ethics (ACTION)
Lavern Shan, Deputy Superintendent
Second reading and adoption of policy.
7.D. Second Reading and Adoption of Proposed Policy GBEB-B-0750 Staff Conduct (ACTION)
Lavern Shan, Deputy Superintendent
Second Reading and Adoption of proposed policy.
7.E. Second Reading and Adoption of Proposed Policy GCFC-G-3550 Professional Staff Certification and Credentialing Requirements (ACTION)
Lavern Shan, Deputy Superintendent
Second reading and adoption of proposed policy.
7.F. Second Reading and Adoption of Proposed Policy GCF-G-3450 Professional Staff Hiring (ACTION)
Lavern Shan, Deputy Superintendent
Second reading adoption of proposed policy.
7.G. Second Reading and Adoption of Proposed Policy GDF-G-7650 Support Staff Hiring (ACTION)
Lavern Shan, Deputy Superintendent
Second reading and adoption of proposed policy.
7.H. Second Reading and Adoption of Proposed Policy JLF-J-6250 Reporting Child Abuse/Child Protection (ACTION)
Lavern Shan, Deputy Superintendent
Second reaing and adoption of proposed policy.
7.I. Second Reading and Adoption of Proposed Policy GDFA-G-7700 Support Staff Certification and Credentialing Requirement. (ACTION)
Lavern Shan, Deputy Superintendent
Second reading adoption of proposed policy.
7.J. First Reading of Proposed Policy IHB-I-2350 Special Instructional Programs (NO ACTION REQUIRED).
Lavern Shan, Deputy Superintendent
No Action Required.
7.K. First Reading of Proposed Policy JFB-J-1050 Open Enrollment (NO ACTION REQUIRED).
Lavern Shan, Deputy Superintendent
No Action Required.
7.L. First Reading of Proposed Policy JLCA-J-5150 Physical Examinations of Students (NO ACTION REQUIRED).
Lavern Shan, Deputy Superintendent
No Action Required.
Gerry C. Washburn, Superintendent
9. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Motion by the Chair to dismiss to Executive Session by roll call to discuss limited Personnel Matters. The specific statute authorizing closing is NMSA 1--15-1 (H) (1) No action will be taken in Executive Session.
Board President
Motion to adjourn.