June 15, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Consideration to Approve Agenda
3. Approval of Minutes of Previous Board of Education Meetings
Board President
4. REPORTS/RECOGNITIONS:1) Madeline Clark, FFA 2) Early Childhood Education Center Report on Standards Based Report Card.
Board President
PUBLIC appearance, training and national FFA - visitng state reps and senators. acknowledge.
pleasure ECEC - Lynde Longbine, principal , chelsie kimbely, leslie catano, asst principal at ECEC - present positive event from pandemic - if you feed a piglet more or if you weight more? assessments for online learning 2020. Assessing more than instructing. assements through each 9 weeks; 20-21 students took 2 weeks to assessment them. changes were needed. ESGI Educational Software for Guiding Instruction - students can view data and much faster than regular assessments computer generated showed immediate feedback, (spend time assessing and tally all data) this online program has made it much faster and saves time. can breakdown for adminstrators, by teachers. pie charts and overall scores average. show what teachers have spent tabulating and then overall where students are... available at in instant. Also has a parent report for them to see. available and easy to read. parent friendly. assessments created by whole core team. Student can track their own progress immediately.needed to be different on how we report to parents..... moving forward - sample report card - standard based report card.. teachers spending time tabulating - each growth period shows progress per each 9 weeks. inform parents on common core; with each standards we use a rubric - parents could understand what the grading system means. understand what needs to be taught; get more work done with students. - gives parents a much better view of where their student stands..... master performance standards....typically this will be K-5th grades.... A, B, C 's will start at 6th grade... solid foundation for students. possibly behavior issues ...would requires adjustments.... spent a lot of time discussing and are for it as a staff. Gerry - Notice to public to accept Board replacment for Trent Cornum - appplicants accepting. packet available.... |
5. Opportunity for Audience
Any citizen who would like to address the Board will be able to do so as the item on the regular agenda. Comments will be limited to 2 minutes per subject. If further time is needed, concerns should be addressed to the Superintendent. Personnel matters will not be discussed in a public meeting. Items that appear under the heading Routine and Regular Business will not be discussed or comments taken unless it is requested that they be removed from that category and placed on the regular agenda. Action on Routine and Regular Business will be acted upon with one motion and one vote.
6.A.1. Authorization to pay bills, approve District Cash report, approve Budget Report for the previous month and accept donations as included within the agenda.
Laura Garcia, Director of Finance
6.A.2. Monthly Vendor Spend Reports
Crystal Hernandez, Chief Procurement Officer
6.A.3. Renewal Bid # 2019-2020-04 Food Services - Non Food
Crystal Hernandez, Chief Procurement Officer
6.A.4. Budget Increase - Ed Tech Notes
David Whitehead, Director of Technology
The increase is due to USAC e-rate reimbursements received in the amount of $13,071.00.
6.A.4.a. Motion to approve Routine and Regular Business:
6.B. 2021-2022 District Operating Budget (ACTION)
Laura Garcia, Director of Finance
2021-22 District Operating Budget - Budget details and recommendation were discussed at a Board Work Session held on 6/9/21. Cash reserves become revenue source..$9.6 million dollars - revenue report (page 150) boardbook revenue budget amounts shown - outline cash balance that is included in our budget.. added projected revenue and expenditures. which leaves us excess revenue over expenditures. $2million primarly to the fact that we were shut down 9 months out of this year and 3 months on the previous which reflected our spend amount.. plus receiving CARES money and support from community partners...all fo that contributed to a cash balance.
6.C. 2021-2022 Jefferson Montessori Academy Budget (ACTION)
Laura Garcia, Director of Finance
Public Ed Dept required each Charter School to prepare and submit an Operating Budget for each school year. The 2021-22 Operating Budget for JMA was presented to the Board of Education at a Budget Work Session held on June 9, 2021. $3,115,991.00 .
6.D. 2021-2022 Pecos Connection Academy Budget (ACTION)
Laura Garcia, Director of Finance
Board of Education is requested to approve the Operating Budget for Pecos Connections Academy. The Public Education Dept. requires each Charter School to prepare and submit an Operating Budget for each school year. $16,651,682.00
6.E. Resolution Authorizing District Representative to Conduct Financial Business (ACTION)
Laura Garcia, Director of Finance
Financial Institutions require formal documentation authorizing representatives of the District to conduct business on behalf of the CMS. With the changes in the Finance Department staff, the current Resolution must be updated accordingly.
6.F. Final 2020-21 Salary Schedule Recertification for Amendments Initiated After the Close of Negotiations. (ACTION)
Laura Garcia, Director of Finance
Corrections were made to the Technology Salary Schedule requiring recertification of the Board and submission to the PED in order to finalize preliminary salary schedules submitted with our 2021-22 District Budget.
6.G. Award Bid # 2020-2021-22 Food Services - Food
Crystal Hernandez, Chief Procurement Officer
Invitation to submit sealed bids was released on 4/16/21 and posted to the CMS website on April 16, 2021. Responses to this BID were received for 5 offerors.
6.H. FY22 Grant Application For IDEA-B Funding of Entitlement, Preschool and Charters (ACTION)
Justin Gossett, Director of Special Education
School Districts in NM are awarded federal funds to meet the special needs of identified students based on the number of student receiving services. The funds will be used to supplement the costs of providing special education and related services to children with disabilities.
6.I. April 2020-2021 MOU Concerning the Transition of Children between Eddy County Transitional Team and the Carlsbad Municipal Schools (CMS) Department of Special Education. (ACTION)
Justin Gossett, Director of Special Education
This agreement has been ongoing for many years to ensure the provision of educational services to identified individuals with exceptional needs. The purpose of the MOU is to establish working procedures between various agencies who interact with children three to five years old and CMS eligible of special education services.
7.A. Pecos Connections Academy Request Name Change to Pecos Cyber Academy (ACTION)
Board President
The Board of Education is requested to approve the name change from Pecos Connections Academy to Pecos Cyber Academy. The Charter School Division for guidance states that PCA and CMS must approve the name change before it can be put forth to NMPED. Support Longevity ofour school.
7.B. Approval of 2021-2022 School Calendar/Start of School Plan (ACTION)
Lavern Shan, Deputy Superintendent
The Board was asked to approve the proposed school calendar for the 2021-2022 School Year for the Carlsbad Municipal School District. Traditional calendar - August 10, first day of school. Ends May 26, 2022.
7.C. Agreement Between City of Carlsbad and Carlsbad Municipal Schools for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 (ACTION)
Gerry C. Washburn, Superintendent
The agreement between the City of Carlsbad and CMS for the fiscal year 2021-2022 regarding School Zone Warning Lights, Crossing Guards, Natatorium Operation, Summer Recreation Program, Youth Citizenship Program, and Tutoring.
7.D. National Education Association Carlsbad (NEA) and the Carlsbad Municipal School District (CMSD) Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). (ACTION)
Lisa Robinson, Director of Human Resources
School Board is requested to approve the negotiated CBA between CMSD and NEA for the 2021-22 SY. The Union has TA'd this contract. We need to start recruiting. We have 41 open positions at this time. This salary schedule is going to cost us some money. Approval is needed.
7.E. Second Reading and Adoption of Proposed Policy JICA-J-2350 Student Dress (ACTION)
Lavern Shan, Deputy Superintendent
Second Reading and Adoption of the proposed Policy JICA-J-2350 - Student Dress.
7.F. Second Reading and Adoption of Proposed Policy AC-A-0250 - Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity (ACTION)
Lavern Shan, Deputy Superintendent
Board reviewed and adoption of proposed policy AC-A-0250 Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity.
7.G. First Reading of Proposed Policy GCQF-G-6100 - Discipline, Suspension, Termination and Discharge of Professional Staff Members (NO ACTION REQUIRED).
Lavern Shan, Deputy Superintendent
First reading of Proposed Policy GCQF-G-6100 Discipline, Suspension, Termination and Discharge of Professional Staff Members - NO ACTION NECESSARY.
7.H. First Reading of Proposed Policy GDQD-G-9300 - Discipline, Suspension, Termination and Discharge of Support Staff Members - NO ACTION REQUIRED.
Lavern Shan, Deputy Superintendent
First reading of Proposed Policy GDQD-G-9300 - Discipline, Suspension, Termination and Discharge of Support Staff Members.
7.I. First Reading of Proposed Policy JK-J-4600 - Student Discipline - NO ACTION REQUIRED
Lavern Shan, Deputy Superintendent
First Reading of Proposed Policy JKJ-4600 - Student Discipline
7.J. First Reading of Proposed Policy JHB-J-1650 - Truancy/Chronic Absence (NO ACTION REQUIRED)
Lavern Shan, Deputy Superintendent
First Reading of Proposed Policy JHB-J-1650 Truancy/Chronic Absence. No action required.
7.K. Continuation of Contract for RFP 2019-2020-02 Fiber Construction - For Information Only. No Board Action Required.
Crystal Hernandez, Chief Procurement Officer
The installation of the 10 gig fiber is 98% completed for the District. The last of the electronics are being installed and we are on track for July 1, 2021 start date for this project. UPN contractor has been good and lots of underground drilling. Hanging of fiber, premits, licenses and has been done without disruption. At ten times the capacity. Ten times the capacity!
7.L. Continuation of Contract for RFP 2020-2021-08 Desert Willow Elementary School Remodel/Addition - For information only. No Board action required.
Crystal Hernandez, Chief Procurement Officer
The anticipated completion date for the Desert Willow Elementary School Remodel/Addition is October 2021.
7.M. Continuation of Contract for RFP 2020-2021-09 Ocotillo Elementary School Remodel/Addition - For Information Only. No Board action required.
Crystal Hernandez, Chief Procurement Officer
The anticipated completion date for the Ocotillo Elementary School Remodel/Addition is October 2021.
7.N. Continuation of Contract for RFP 2020-2021-04 Architectural Services for Monterrey Elementary School - For Information Only. No Board Action Required.
Crystal Hernandez, Chief Procurement Officer
The anticipated design completion date is February 2022. Construction May 2022 and completion in July 2023. Students will attend JSS in fall July 2022 for one year.
7.O. Formal Contract Procurement Awards (May 2021) For Information Only. No Board Action required.
Crystal Hernandez, Chief Procurement Officer
In the month of May the Board took action to award the formal procurements. This is public notice regarding the awards.
9. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Motion by the Chair to dismiss to Executive Session by roll call to discuss limited Personnel Matters. The specific statute authorizing closing is NMSA 1--15-1 (H) (1) No action will be taken in Executive Session.