October 20, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Consideration to Approve Agenda
3. Approval of Minutes of Previous Board of Education Meetings
4. Opportunity for Audience
Any citizen who would like to address the Board will be able to do so as the item appears on the regular agenda. Comments will be limited to 2 minutes per subject. If further time is needed, concerns should be addressed to the Superintendent. Personnel matters will not be discussed in a public meeting. Items that appear under the heading Routine and Regular Business will not be discussed or comments taken unless it is requested that they be removed from that category and placed on the regular agenda. Action on Routine and Regular Business will be acted upon with one motion and one vote.
Any citizen who would like to address the Board will be able to do so as the item on the regular agenda. Comments will be limited to 2 minutes per subject. If further time is needed, concerns should be addressed to the Superintendent. Personnel matters will not be discussed in a public meeting.
Items that appear under the heading Routine and Regular Business will not be discussed or comments taken unless it is requested that they be removed from that category and placed on the regular agenda. Action on Routine and Regular Business will be acted upon with one motion and one vote.
5. REPORTS/RECOGNITIONS :1) Lavern Shan - Update on Pecos Connection Academy. 2) Superintendent's Report
Steve McCutcheon address the Board - email last week - resolution to turn rights to go back to school. only 6 letters from Carlsbad - standing up for kids. wanted back up to school board - letters cms -letters from parents resolution will be sent to MLG; read letter - no support from the school board disappointed. disserverice but not communicating to parents and students. appreciate your time.
Ms. Shan - update on PCA, did begin site visit in process of doing yearly evaluation - asking for a special bd meeting on dec. 17 in the evening to review analyzed information. guidance from Mr. Zamora on process.
Dr. Washburn - Kevin Dillon will share his screen for Bond Projects - relay updates website - menu portion on depts (operations) CMS Bond Projects. various items and information are provided. Slide presentations available. Nov and January Projects and tentative schedule provided. Design and Construction information- photo album of progress will be updated. Dr. Washburn - quick update - watching cases 599 state rate. avg 601 daily cases for this week. State low was 6 weeks ago 108 per day now up 456. Bernallio up 640% from 5 weeks ago. Dona Anna ...provided many updates among counties in NM. send email to district about protest. (read email). Enrollment for 40th day 6,653 (-334 decline) from last year. Laura and Carol to provide projection on current enrollment. total enrollment 3,054 (995 want to stay virtual only) 2,059 want in person learning. 225 Pre-K (158 in person) CHS 1,458 (409 virtual only) ECHS 208 (all want in person) CES 200 (remain virtual) CIS 998 (315 virtual only) 683 in person. CSGA 499 (182 virtual) 317 in person instruction. APEX 2,869 courses at CHS - only targe 1,407 are on target to complete 239 no on target 1,225 not on target. 5-1 instruction beginning Nov 2--Prek - Nov 7 k Nov 9 1st Nov 16 2/3 - Nov 30. Viable - will continue with that planning. at this rate we will be only line only 4-12 for remainder of semester. question - bring students back and defy governors order - funded by state and federal government - employees of the state. all licenses personnel are in jeopardy of losing license - remove super remove school board, censure or revoke license of every employee . understand everyone frustrated and tired. fighting tirelessly - written letters; subpoenaed only path we see is washing hands, wear face coverings, Lea county asked everyone to get tested... asking chamber and DOD to push something like that out to get rates down. - direct Laison in state level; Tim hand; Gerry spoken to secretary of ed. send emails. decision being made about schools are being made by dept of health and the governor not the secretary of education. are students and families going to Texas (Cornum) lost 83 students to Texas to date; shared with Sec of Ed LESC and LFC. they are aware that we are losing students. 81 students in home school. Anything we can do? Learning every day at Online learning. Only way to return is to get infection rate down. fanatical about wearing masks and socially distancing. Hot line available? ask Justin Gossett. We have to follow the rules. We don't have any choices. Dr. W would encourage the entire county everyone to get tested. Go through DOD and or Chamber of commerce for support to get everyone tested. |
Laura Garcia presented items 6A1 to 6A5.
6.A.1. Authorization to pay bills, approve District Cash report, approve Budget Report for the previous month and accept donations as included within the agenda.
6.A.2. Monthly Vendor Spend Reports
6.A.3. GO Bond - Budget Increase
Allison Hervol, Director of Federal Programs
6.A.4. Budget Decrease - OPERATIONAL State Equalization Guarantee (BAR #0013-D)
Laura Garcia, Director of Finance
6.A.5. Budget Increase - TEACHERAGES (BAR # 0012-IB)
Laura Garcia, Director of Finance
6.A.5.a. Motion to approve Routine and Regular Business.
Board President
6.B. AWARD RFP 2020-2021-08 - Desert Willow Elementary School Remodel/Addition (ACTION)
Crystal Hernandez, Chief Procurement Officer
Award RFP 2020-2021-08 Desert Willow Elementary School - remodel addition - establish for dining room expansion and k addition.
6.C. AWARD RFP 2020-2021-09 Ocotillo Elementary School Remodel/Addition (ACTION)
Crystal Hernandez, Chief Procurement Officer
Award RFP - RFP 2020-2021 RFP - Ocotillo Elementary School Remodel/Addition - dining room expension and K addition.
6.D. AWARD RFP 2020-2021-10 Disinfecting, Germicidal, and Sanitizing Services (ACTION)
Crystal Hernandez, Chief Procurement Officer
D. Award for RFP 2020-2021-10 Disinfecting, Germicidal and Sanitizing Services.
6.E. AWARD RFP 2020-2021-11 Electrical Services for On-Call & On-Demand Basis (ACTON)
Crystal Hernandez, Chief Procurement Officer
Award RFP 2020-2021-11 Electrical Services (8 year contract award) for on-call & on-demand basis. - recommend all 3 offerors
6.F. 2020-2021 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Southeast NM Community Action Corporation (SNMCAC) Head Start Program - Carlsbad Center & Carlsbad Municipal Schools (CMS) Department of Special Education. (ACTION)
Justin Gossett, Director of Special Education
Mr. Shoup return to run meeting. -
Mr. Gossett presented - MOU - SENMCC and Headstart - IDEA regulation for funding ; child find ativities and Headstart is scheduled to start on Monday remotely. some option of 5 to 1 if needed. |
6.G. Initial Budget - 27201 Reduced Co-Payment Grant Fund (ACTION)
Lisa Rhoades, Food Service Manager
Initial Budget - Laura - reduced grant - to reimburse the district the reduced student meal - this will allow students who are on reduced to get free meals.
7.A. Carlsbad Federatin of United School Employees (C-FUSE) and the Carlsbad Municipal School District (CMSD) Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) - (ACTION)
Lisa Robinson, Director of Human Resources
CFUSE - contract - negotations for employees.
7.B. United Steelworkers (USW) and the Carlsbad Municipal School District (CMSD) Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) - (ACTION)
Lisa Robinson, Director of Human Resources
United Steel Workers - negotations for united steel workers employees.
7.C. Second Reading and Adoption of Proposed Policy IKF-I-7350 Graduation Requirements (ACTION)
Lavern Shan, Deputy Superintendent
Ms. Shan - 2nd reading of proposed policy - Graduation Requirements -
7.D. First Reading of Proposed Policy JJJ-J-4550 - Extracurricular Activity Elegibility (NO ACTION NEEDED)
Lavern Shan, Deputy Superintendent
D. First Reading - No Action Needed.Atttendance for Success Act.
7.E. First Reading of Proposed Policy EEAEA-E-2300 Bus Driver Requirements, Training and Responsibilities. (NO ACTION NEEDED)
Lavern Shan, Deputy Superintendent
E. First Reading of proposed policy - appro - state rules and regulations and federal.
7.F. First Reading of Proposed Policy EEAEAA-E-2350 Drug and Alcohol Testing of Transportation Employee (NO ACTION NEEDED)
Lavern Shan, Deputy Superintendent
First Reading of Drug and Alcohol Testing of Transporation Employee. - no action needed.
7.G. Review and Provide Direction of the Operating Agreement of the Carlsbad Community College. (NO ACTION NEEDED)
Gerry C. Washburn, Superintendent
Review - NMSU - Search for college president - reviewing financials decision made to not have a president at NMSU-C - notified Mr. Shoup and reorganizing due to financial hardship. Mayor wants to possible remove NMSU-C - Chacon and Singleton have attending several meetings - Land and property - if NMSU ever left and or not operating the land would revert to the Board. in speaking to the community. NMSU - generic agreement pushed out and move property to ownnership of NM State . Very opposed to that - Redo generic agreement and revert to approve or disapprove operating agreement. - Chacon - power would go back to Las Cruces (Grants, Alamo and Carlsbad) won't have best interst in our ocmmunity. Land would be kept by NMSU - C - lots of bond money - better by going independent - land needs to return to the community. as per old contract land and bldgs would revert back to the CMS School Board. - donation by Bob Light. - land did not want to be given to NMSU-C. Big concern is there would not be a president. - wants agreement (36 million at Foundation). The school board is only advisory. antoher university - stays advisory - community wanted to be independent----agreement to NMSU to retain ownership of the land - wanting guidance from Board -. and yes the board wants him to go forward and try to reach an agreement.
Board President
Special Board Meeting on December 17, 2020 at 6:00 pm for PCA. - one agenda item. Consider contract with PCA.
9. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Motion by the Chair to dismiss to Executive Session by roll call to discuss limited Personnel Matters. The specific statute authorizing closing is NMSA 1--15-1 (H) (1) No action will be taken in Executive Session.
Motion to Adjourn.by Singleton