October 9, 2023 at 7:30 PM - Regular Meeting of Trustees
Agenda |
I. Opening
I.A. Call to order - Board President
I.B. Establishment of quorum
I.C. Open forum
II. Closed Session
III. Action Items
III.A. Approve minutes of September 11, 2023 regular meeting
III.B. Consider and take appropriate action on authorizing President Cody Phillips to execute necessary documents transferring entity owned surplus property in Section Ninety-eight (98), Block Fourteen (14), in the City of Wellington, Collingsworth County, Texas to the adjacent property owner.
III.C. Approve budget amendments
IV. Review Items
IV.A. Annual GT & ESL Evaluations
V. Discussion Items
V.A. TASB 2023 Fall Legal Seminars
V.B. Team of Eight Training - January, 2024
VI. Informational Items
VI.A. Superintendent's Report
VI.A.1. E3 App
VI.A.2. Collingsworth County Appraisal District
VI.A.3. Auditors
VI.A.4. Legislative Special Session
VI.B. Principal's Report
VI.B.1. US Air Force spoke to juniors and seniors - 9/27
VI.B.2. Individual senior conferences began with Mrs. Cantu - 10/4
VI.B.3. Seniors TACRAO College Fair in Childress - 10/5
VI.B.4. WHS will attend the Living History Festival - 10/6
VI.B.5. Rocket Regiment - UIL Region 1 Marching Contest at 3:15 in Dick Bivins stadium in Amarillo - 10/14
VI.B.6. Black light pep rally - 10/20
VI.B.7. ACT given at WHS - 10/25
VI.B.8. FAST Program
VI.B.9. FFA District Leadership Contest in Memphis - 11/6
VI.B.10. Financial Aid Night at 6:00 p.m. in the WHS auditorium - 11/8
VI.B.11. Veterans Day assembly at 9:30 in the WHS gym - 11/10
VI.B.12. Emergency app training in the cafeteria at 3:45 - 9/26
VI.B.13. Grade level data meetings - 9/26
VI.B.14. Title I Open House - 9/27
VI.B.15. Popcorn party for perfect attendance the 1st six weeks - 9/29
VI.B.16. WES 2nd-5th grades will attend the Living History Festival at Powell Park - 10/6
VI.B.17. 2nd six weeks progress reports - 10/16
VI.B.18. Head Start parent meeting - 10/17
VI.B.19. Red Ribbon Week - 10/23-27
VI.B.20. Drug Dog education program - 10/24
VI.B.21. 5th grade drug presentation by the DA's office - 10/30
VI.B.22. Halloween parties and Fall Festival - 10/31
VI.B.23. JH Enrollment - 135
VI.B.24. First six weeks complete
VI.B.25. Great turnout from parents and students at Open House
VI.B.26. District cross country - October 10
VI.B.27. JH football and cross country teams continue to have success
VI.B.28. Firecracker Stand-Out
VI.B.29. ELA and Math Interim Assessments - November
VI.C. Athletic Directors Report
VII. Adjourn