March 7, 2022 at 7:35 PM - Regular Meeting of Trustees
Agenda |
I. Opening
I.A. Call to order - Board President
I.B. Establishment of quorum
I.C. Open forum
II. Closed Session
II.A. Evaluate personnel
III. Action Items
III.A. Approve minutes of February 14, 2022 regular meeting
III.B. Consider and take appropriate action on the proposed 2022-2023 school calendar
III.C. Approve budget amendments
III.D. Consideration and possible action on a Resolution authorizing the donation of real property to the Samnorwood Volunteer Fire Department, Inc., a domestic non-profit corporation, consisting of the land surrounding the existing Samnorwood Volunteer Fire Department buildings, which were known as the Samnorwood School tech lab and metal vocational building described as follows: A 2.86 acre tract of land out of the southeast quarter of Section 35, Block 16, H. & G. N. Ry. Co. Survey, and Blocks 9 and 10 of the Original Townsite of Samnorwood, Collingsworth County, Texas; Save and Except the following tracts which were previously donated to the Samnorwood Volunteer Fire Department and recorded in the Collingsworth County Deed Records at Volume 529, page 422: Tract 1 - 0.09 acres of land out of Section 35, Block 16, H. & G. N. Ry. Co. Survey, and also being out of the Original Townsite of Samnorwood, Collingsworth County, Texas; and Tract 2 - 0.14 acres of land out of Section 35, Block 16, H. & G. N. Ry. Co. Survey, and also being out of the Original Townsite of Samnorwood, Collingsworth County, Texas.
IV. Review Items
V. Discussion Items
VI. Informational Items
VI.A. Superintendent's Report
VI.A.1. Teacher term contract renewals
VI.A.2. Teacher probationary contract renewals
VI.A.3. Resignations
VI.B. Principal's Report
VI.B.1. WES celebrated 2/22/22 with dress-up and music
VI.B.2. 1st graders celebrated 120 days of school - 2/24
VI.B.3. Dr. Suess week - 2/28 - 3/4
VI.B.4. 4th graders celebrated Texas Independence Day - 3/2
VI.B.5. 3-week progress reports - 3/7
VI.B.6. TELPAS - 3/8-9
VI.B.7. Spring pictures - 3/10
VI.B.8. Noon dismissal - 3/11
VI.B.9. Spring break - 3/14-18
VI.B.10. TEA spring interim assessment - 3/22-24
VI.B.11. STAAR Alt 2 window opens - 3/28
VI.B.12. End of the 5th six weeks - 4/1
VI.B.13. Kindergarten transportation - 4/8
VI.B.14. 5th graders tour junior high & cheer tryouts - 3/25
VI.B.15. 6th six weeks begins - 4/4
VI.B.16. STAAR interim assessment - 3/21
VI.B.17. District One Act Play, Panhandle - 3/2
VI.B.18. Junior class ring ceremony - 3/3
VI.B.19. Rocket Regiment competes in the UIL concert/sight reading contest in Panhandle at 1:00 p.m. - 3/8
VI.B.20. Bi-District OAP contest at the Ritz - 3/9
VI.B.21. HS UIL Academic Meet in Shamrock - 3/24
VI.C. Athletic Directors Report
VII. Adjourn