September 23, 2020 at 6:30 PM - Annual and Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Roll Call
III. Public Hearing
The public hearing is a time for the School Board to hear items related to the 2020-21 budget and receive public comments related to the budget.
III.A. Explanation of Dual Meeting, Introductions
III.B. Presentation of Treasurer's Report
III.C. Public Comment on Proposed Budget
III.D. Closing Remarks and Adjournment of the Public Hearing
IV. Annual Meeting
IV.A. Call to Order
IV.B. Review of Ground Rules
IV.C. Election of Chairperson
IV.D. Approval of Annual Meeting Agenda
IV.E. Approval of Annual Meeting 2019 Minutes
IV.F. Approval of Resolution on Tax Levy
IV.G. Adjournment of Annual Meeting
V. Public Comments
All comments should be sent to For this meeting, limited in person comments will be allowed.
VI. Consent Agenda
Consent agenda items are routine items that the Board approves without discussion. Board members may remove items from the consent agenda for further discussion, or to vote differently on that particular item.
VI.A. Approval of Regular Meeting Agenda
VI.B. Bills for Payment
VI.C. Approval of Minutes for September 9, 2020
VI.D. Staffing - New Hires, New FTE, Resignations, Retirements
VII. Information/Discussion/Possible Action
VII.A. Curriculum Expectations - Mr. Perry
VII.B. Character Education - Mr. Vega
VII.C. Community Engagement - Ms. Brooks
VII.C.1. Fall 2020 Update
The topics will focus around the decision related to the learning model and the SM Virtual Academy.
VII.D. Capital Effectiveness - Mr. Shelenske
VIII. Superintendent’s Report
Dr. Weiss will provide the Board with informational items related to recent or upcoming topics or events.
IX. President’s Report
Mr. Maass will provide the Board will informational items related to recent or upcoming topics or events.
X. Announcements
Board members may make announcements related to recent or upcoming topics or events.
XI. Closed Session - None
XII. Adjournment
1. Calendar |