January 27, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to order and establish a quorum
II. Pledge
III. School Board Appreciation
IV. Hearing of delegations
Any individual or group that is present, and who has signed in may address the board. Please note that the board cannot take action on any item or items unless it is already an agenda item.
V. Report from board officers
VI. Consent Agenda Items
VI.A. Minutes of previous meetings
VI.B. Elementary Campus Report - Enrollment, Activities, Calendar
VI.C. Secondary Campus Report - Enrollment, Activities, Calendar
VI.D. Superintendent Reports - Financial reports
VI.D.1. Beginning Cash Position
VI.D.2. Tax Revenues
VI.D.3. Deposits and Securities
VI.D.4. Budget: Revenues, Encumbrances, and Expenditure
VII. Action and/or Discussion Items
VII.A. Consider/Review accounts payable.
VII.B. Set date for Public Hearing on Annual Performance Reports and Improvement plans for the District.
VII.C. Consider/Approve TASB Policy Update 124.
VII.D. Consider/Act on Trustee Resignation.
VII.E. Consider/Act on filling of trustee vacancy.
VII.F. "Consider and take action to order a regular trustee election for At-Large Positions 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 on May 3, 2025 and to authorize the superintendent to enter into all contracts and agreements necessary to effect such election."
“Considerar y tomar acción para ordenar una elección regular de miembros directivos escolares para los Puestos Generales 1, 2, 5, 6 y 7 el día 3 de mayo, 2025 y para que se autorice al superintendente para que firme todos los contratos y convenios necesarios para efectuar tal elección”. |
VIII. Closed Session Section 551.074 (Discussion of Personnel) Texas Open Meetings Act
VIII.A. Personnel
VIII.B. Consider/Discuss Superintendent evaluation.
VIII.C. Discuss district safety.
VIII.D. Consider/Act on offer to purchase real estate.
IX. Open Session: Action on Closed Session Items
X. Adjourn