March 11, 2025 at 2:00 PM - Special Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Information Items
2.1. Consultant from ASA will provide the Governing Board with an update on the search status - Dr. Clement
2.2. Consultant from ASA will provide the Governing Board with a summary of the survey results - Dr. Clement
2.3. Consultant from ASA will present the Governing Board with information regarding the applicant screening process and screening protocol for the position of District Superintendent - Dr. Clement
2.4. The Governing Board will discuss and provide the ASA Consultant themes for the purpose of developing interview questions - Dr. Clement
2.5. Discussion: The Governing Board will review and discuss Dr. Desmond Moulton's application for the position of District Superintendent - Dr. Clement
3. Action Item
3.1. Recommended that the Governing Board approve the call for Executive Session pursuant A.R.S. Section 38-431.03(1). The Governing Board will screen applicant submissions for the position of District Superintendent - Dr. Clement
3.2. The Governing Board will discuss and may consider approving the selection of candidates for the position of District Superintendent who will be invited to interview with board - Dr. Clement
3.3. The Governing Board will discuss and may consider approving the process and schedule for interviewing candidates for the position of District Superintendent - Dr. Clement
4. Adjournment