September 20, 2022 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Welcome
2. Public Comment
3. Reports from Administrators
4. District Investment Reports
5. Consider for Approval the Investment Policy and Strategies CDA Government Code 2256.005(e)
6. Consider for Approval the Minutes of the Previous Meeting(s)
7. Consider for Approval an Adjunct Faculty Agreement/Resolution on Behalf of the Shelby County 4-H
8. Consider for Approval Additional Language for Board Policy CKC (Local) and GKA (Local)
9. Executive Session: District Employees and Officers, Texas Government Code §551.074 and Real Property, Texas Government Code §551.072
a. Consideration of Superintendent's Recommendation Concerning Employment of Professional Personnel, Resignations and Terminations |
10. Consideration and Action, if any, Resulting from the Executive Session
11. Comments by Board Members
(a.) Comments Regarding Current Agenda (b.) Requests for Future Agenda Items |
12. Adjournment