July 25, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance / Opening Prayer
2. Citizen's Forum: Opportunity for Patrons to Address the Board
3. Consent Agenda: Approve the following action items with one motion:
3.a. Review/Approve of Minutes from Previous Meetings
3.b. Review/Approve of June Financial Report
3.c. Review/Approve 2022-2023 Mitchell County Agril-Life Extension Extra-Curricular Resolution
3.d. Review/Approve 2022-2023 WISD Employee Handbook
3.e. Review/Approve 2022-2023 Student Handbook
3.f. Review/Approve 2022-2023 WISD Student Code of Conduct
3.g. Review/Approve 2022-2023 UPDATED WISD Return to In-Person Instruction and Instructional Continuity (RIPICS) plan
Raemi Thompson
3.h. Action Item: Approve TASB Policy Update 119
4. Report/Discussion Item: WISD Facilities Update
Kade Creek/Raemi Thompson
5. Report Item: Update WISD Water Line Services
6. Report/Discussion Item: Safety and Security Update
Shay Avants/Raemi Thompson
7. Action Item: Review/Approve 2022-2023 WISD Emergency Operations Manual
8. Action Item: Discuss/Approve 2022-2023 Student/Employee Cafeteria Rates
9. Action Item: Review/Discuss/Approve Updated District Housing Lease Agreements and Rental Rates
10. Budget Workshop: Report/Discuss/Approve Proposed 2022-2023 Budget
11. Superintendent's Report
11.a. Enrollment Report
11.b. DC Trip Update
11.c. Other -
12. Personnel Matters 551.074
13. School Children; School Employees 551.082
14. Consultation with School Attorney 551.074
15. Action Item: Adjournment