February 18, 2019 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.1. Pledge of Allegiance
1.2. Excuse Absent Board Members
2. Approval of Consent Agenda
2.1. Agenda
2.2. Minutes of previous meeting
3. Guests
4. Financial Reports
4.1. Treasurer
4.2. Claims
4.3. Activity
5. Action Items
5.1. Discuss, Consider, and take action upon accepting the resignation of Ms. Shelby Wiebelhaus, PK-6 Special Education Teacher
5.2. Discuss, Consider, and take action upon appointing Mr. Gregory Conn as the Title IX coordinator and Mr. Brad Hoesing as the affirmative action compliance officer for Wausa Public Schools for the 2019-20 school year.
5.3. Discuss, Consider, and take action upon approving Sherri Plumbtree as Driver's Education Instructor for the 2018-19 summer.
5.4. Discuss, Consider, and take action upon approving changes to Board Policy #1100, Community Relations, Fitness Center.
6. Reports
6.1. Superintendent
6.2. Principal
6.3. Activities Director
7. Discussion Items
7.1. Cross Country Coop Jerseys
8. Executive (Closed) Session (If needed)
9. Dates of Future Board Meetings
10. Adjourn