January 15, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.1. Pledge of Allegiance
1.2. Excuse Absent Board Members
2. Approval of Consent Agenda
2.1. Agenda
2.2. Minutes of previous meeting
3. Annual Reorganization
3.1. Call for Nominations for the following Board Offices
3.1.1. Board President
3.1.2. Board Vice President
3.1.3. Board Secretary
3.1.4. Board Treasurer (Nancy Erickson)
3.2. Approval of Committees, Positions, and Designations
3.2.1. Consider, discuss, and take action to elect minutes secretary to the BOE (Currently Jessica Barta)
3.2.2. Consider, discuss, and take action to elect Committees as determined by the BOE
3.2.3. Consider, discuss, and take action to select depository bank (Currently Commercial State Bank of Wausa)
3.2.4. Consider, discuss, and take action to select District newspaper(s) of record (currently Wausa Gazette)
4. Guests
5. Financial Reports
5.1. Treasurer
5.2. Claims
5.3. Activity
6. Action Items
6.1. Approve Superintendent contract extension through 2019-20 School Year
6.2. Approve Lighting Bid
7. Reports
7.1. Superintendent
7.2. Principal
7.3. Activities Director
7.4. Other Reports
8. Discussion Items
8.1. Building and Grounds Funding Analysis/Options/Relative Cost
9. Executive (Closed) Session (If needed)
10. Dates of Future Board Meetings
11. Adjourn