August 28, 2023 at 6:35 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Establish a Quorum
2. Invocation
3. Public Comments/ Audience Participation
4. Consent Agenda
4.a. Public Meeting Minutes July 18, 2023
4.b. Regular Meeting Minutes July 18, 2023
4.c. Special Meeting Minutes August 1, 2023
4.d. Special Meeting Minutes August 14, 2023
5. Reports
5.a. Monthly Financial Report
5.b. Elementary Principal's Report
5.c. Junior High Principal's Report
5.d. High School Principal's Report
5.e. Athletic Director's Report
5.f. Maintenance/Transportation Director's Report
6. Information and Discussion Items
6.a. Discuss Overview of Continuing Education Requirements for School Board Members
Attached is the Required Continuing Education Matrix. We will discuss offerings from Region16, TASB, and the TASA/TASB Conference.
6.b. Information and Discussion over the Deaf Smith County Updated Budget Allocation Estimate for 2023 Tax Year
7. Discuss Timeline for Vega Superintendent Search
8. Action Items
8.a. Discussion and Approval if Needed for District Donations
Donations to the district for $500 or more, require board approval.
9. Discuss and Consider a Good Cause Resolution Relating to TEC Section 37.0814 and the Requirement to Ensure at Least One Armed Security Officer is Present on Every School District Campus.
10. Consider and take appropriate action for the Board of Trustees of Vega Independent School District authorizing the defeasance and redemption of certain outstanding bonds; approving and authorizing the execution of an escrow agreement; authorizing the engagement of a verification agent; and containing other provisions relating thereto
Hiiltop Securities asked that the board consider taking this action so that the superintendent may work with them to allow the early payment up to $600,000 toward the defeasement of debt service at some point in the coming year.
11. Consider and take appropriate action regarding Budget Amendments to the 2022-2023 Budget
12. Consider and take appropriate action to approve the 2023-2024 Budget as presented
13. Consider and take appropriate action to adopt the 2023-2024 Tax Rates
14. Approve Agreement for the Purchase of Attendance Credit (Netting Chapter 48 Funding)
15. Consider and take appropriate action concerning Auto, Liability, and Property Insurance Contracts with Insurica for the 2023-2024 school year.
16. Consider and take appropriate action regarding approval of the Appraisal Calendar and to approve the list of appraisers for 2023-2024
17. Consider and take appropriate action to name Keely Kent (Region II) as a VISD adjunct administrator
18. Consider and take appropriate action to name Tonya Martin (Region I) as a VISD adjunct administrator
19. Consider and take appropriate action to approve the 2023-2024 Oldham County Appraisal District's Contract for Collection Service.
20. Consider and take appropriate action to name Rick Auckerman, Josh Brooks, and Amalia Mata (Deaf Smith Extension Agency) as VISD Adjunct Faculty Member
21. Consider and take appropriate action to name Cari Snider, Megan Eikner, and Lizabeth Gresham (Potter County Extension Agency) as VISD Adjunct Administrators.
22. Consider and take appropriate action to name Shanda Neelley and Mason Carter (Oldham County Extension Agency) as VISD Adjunct Faculty Member
23. Consider and take appropriate action to approve the 2022-2023 Transportation Plan
24. Consider and take appropriate action to Nominate Board of Directors to the Deaf Smith County Appraisal District
25. Consider and take appropriate action to approve the Claims Administrative Services Contract
26. Personnel
27. Safety and Security
28. Superintendent's Report
29. Adjourn