September 22, 2021 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Establish a Quorum
2. Invocation
3. Consent Agenda
3.a. Public Meeting Minutes August 24, 2021
3.b. Regular Meeting Minutes August 24, 2021
3.c. Special Meeting Minutes August 27, 2021
4. Information and Discussion Items
4.a. Information and discussion concerning District Donations
4.b. Information and discussion on facility upgrades
5. Action Items
5.a. Consider and take appropriate action to approve the Annual Investment Report for the 4th Quarter of the 2020-21 Fiscal Year
5.b. Consider and take appropriate action to approve a resolution regarding extracurricular status of Potter County 4-H orgranization and to approve Morgan Eikner, Rachel Berry and Lizabeth Gresham as VISD Adjunct Staff Members
5.c. Consider and take appropriate action to approve a resolution regarding extracurricular status of Randall County 4-H organization and to approve JD Ragland, Mary Stephens, Shannon Walsh, Tina Hicks and Erin Jones-Gray, Kelli Lehman as VISD Adjunct Staff Members
5.d. Consider and take appropriate action to approve a resolution regarding extracurricular status for Deaf Smith 4-H organization and to approve Rick Auckerman, Amalia Mata and Josh Brooks as VISD Adjunct Staff Members
5.e. Consider and take appropriate action to approve a resolution regarding extracurricular status of Oldham County 4-H organization and to approve Chelsey Rash and Amanda Spiva as VISD Adjunct Staff Members
5.f. Consider and take appropriate action to approve the revised 2021-22 District Calendar
5.g. Consider and take appropriate action to Nominate Oldham County Appraisal District Board of Directors 2022-2023
5.h. Consider and take appropriate action to approve resolution regarding extension of leave for employees quarantined.
5.i. Consider and take appropriate action to nominate Deaf Smith County Appraisal District Board of Directors for 2022-2023
6. Reports
6.a. Monthly Financial Report
6.b. Elementary Principal's Report
Vega Elementary Board Report
6.c. Junior High Principal's Report
6.d. High School Principal's Report
6.e. Athletic Director's Report
6.f. Superintendent's Report
1. PAASB Oct. 7th. Eat at 6:30 Program at 7:00 |
7. Personnel
8. Adjourn