July 18, 2023 at 8:00 AM - BOARD OF REGENTS RETREAT
Agenda |
II. Call to Order and Roll Call
III. Conflict of Interest
IV. Board Business
IV.B. Presidential Search
Action Requested: Information
V. Welcome Remarks
Presenters: Regent Albert H. Myres, Board Chair & Dr. Mary Evans Sias, Interim President |
V.A. Fiscal Year 2023-2024 University Goals & Priorities
VI. Administration & Finance
VI.A. Mr. Arman Rashid, Chief Technology Officer
VI.A.1. Information Technology's Budget
VI.B. Mr. Bobby A. Brown, Acting Chief of Police & Executive Director of Emergency Management
VI.B.1. Department of Public Safety's Budget
VI.C. Dr. Cynthia S. Buckley, Senior Associate Vice President
VI.C.1. Human Resources & Payroll Services' Budget
VI.D. Ms. Melanie S. Jackson, Executive Director
VI.D.1. Procurement Services' Budget
VII. Physical Facilities
VII.A. Mr. Edwin M. Bennett, Director of Maintenance
VII.A.1. Facilities & Maintenance's Budget
VIII. President's Extended Cabinet
VIII.A. Dr. Raijanel S. Crockem, Associate Vice President
VIII.A.1. Institutional Assessment, Planning & Effectiveness' Budget
VIII.B. Dr. Demetria Johnson-Weeks, Executive Director
VIII.B.1. Title III & Sponsored Programs' Budget
IX. Academic Affairs, Research & Student Life
IX.A. Dr. Carl B. Goodman, Provost/Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs & Mr. Charles Henry, Executive Director, Provost Business Services
IX.A.1. Academic Affairs' Budget
IX.B. Dr. Brian Armstrong, Assistant Vice President of Student Enrollment Success' Budget
IX.C. Dr. Erin Wiggins-Gilliam, Assistant Vice President of Student Retention & Matriculation Success' Budget
IX.D. Mr. LaRence B. Snowden, Assistant Vice President of Corporate Community Partnerships & Career Pathways' Budget
IX.E. Dr. Linwood B. Whitten, Assistant Vice President of Student Experience's Budget
IX.F. Ms. Yvette Barker, Executive Director of Residential Life & Housing's Budget
IX.G. Dr. Michelle Penn-Marshall, Vice President for Research & Innovation
IX.G.1. Research & Innovation's Budget
X. Development & Legislative Affairs
X.A. Ms. Melinda Spaulding, Vice President for University Advancement & Ms. Isoke Williams, Director of Advancement Initiatives & Business Operations
X.A.1. University Advancement's Budget
XI. Personnel & Litigation
XI.A. Mr. Charlie Nhan, Acting General Counsel
XI.A.1. General Counsel's Budget
XII. Athletics
XII.A. Dr. Kevin L. Granger, Vice President for Intercollegiate Athletics & Mr. Christopher Le Blanc, Business Finance Manager
XII.A.1. Athletics' Budget
XIII. Executive Session
XIII.A. Texas Government Code - Section 551.071 - Consultation with University Attorney(s).
XIII.B. Texas Government Code - Section 551.072 - Deliberations concerning Purchase, Lease or Value of Real Property.
XIII.C. Texas Government Code - Section 551.073 - Deliberations about Negotiated Contracts for Prospective Gifts or Donations.
XIII.D. Texas Government Code - Section 551.074 - Personnel Matters, including Appointments, Evaluations, or Dismissals of Personnel, Including Acting Chief Executive Officer's Compensation and Related Matters.
XIV. Reconvene in Open Session to Consider Actions on Executive Session Items as Necessary
XV. Adjourn