February 9, 2023 at 8:30 AM - Standing Committees/Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Prayer
Revered Acie Jefferson
IV. Open Forum
V. Conflict of Interest
VI. Board Business
VI.B. Chairman's Comments
VII. President's Report
Action Requested: Information -Academic Affairs & University Updates
VIII. Administration and Finance
Presenters: Regent Dr. Mary Evans Sias, Dr. Lesia L. Crumpton-Young, President & Ms. Devi Bala, Vice President for Business/Chief Financial Officer |
VIII.A. Request Approval/Ratification with C&M Contractors, LLC for Partial Campus Building Painting Services
Action Requested: Information
VIII.B. Request Approval/Ratification with Paintex Constructions, LLC for Partial Campus Building Painting Services
Action Requested: Information
IX. Physical Facilities
Presenters: Regent Marc C. Carter, Dr. Lesia L. Crumpton-Young, President & Ms. Devi Bala, Vice President of Business/Chief Financial Officer |
IX.A. No Agenda Items
X. Academic Affairs, Research and Student Life
Presenters: Regent Pamela A. Medina, Dr. Lesia L. Crumpton-Young, President & Dr. Needha Boutte-Queen, Acting Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs |
X.A. Provide Information Regarding Academic Affairs
Action Requested: Information
X.B. Provide Information Regarding the Division of Research and Innovation
Action Requested: Information
X.C. Provide Information Regarding Enrollment and Student Success
Action Requested: Information
XI. Development and Legislative Affairs
Presenters: Regent James M. Benham, Dr. Lesia L. Crumpton-Young, President & Ms. Melinda Spaulding, Vice President for University Advancement |
XI.A. No Agenda Items
XII. Personnel and Litigation
Presenters: Regent Caroline Baker Hurley, Dr. Lesia L. Crumpton-Young, President & Mr. Hao P. Le, General Counsel |
XII.A. No Agenda Items
XIII. Audit
Presenters: Regent Marilyn A. Rose, Dr. Lesia L. Crumpton-Young, President & Ms. Darlene Brown, Acting Chief Audit Executive |
XIII.A. No Agenda Items
XIV. Athletics
Presenters: Regent Ron J. Price, Dr. Lesia L. Crumpton-Young, President & Dr. Kevin L. Granger, Vice President of Intercollegiate Athletics |
XIV.A. No Agenda Items
XV. Bylaws and Policies
Presenters: Regent Marc C. Carter, Dr. Lesia L. Crumpton-Young, President & Mr. Hao P. Le, General Counsel |
XV.A. Review of Investment Policies
Action Requested: Information |
XVI. Consent Docket
XVI.A. Request Approval to Contract for Printing Services
Action Requested: Approval
XVI.B. Request Approval to Obtain Unarmed Guard Security Services
Action Requested: Approval
XVI.C. Request Approval/Ratification for Staff Augmentation with Robert Half to Support the Office of Information Technology
Action Requested: Approval
XVI.D. Request Approval/Ratification for Staff Augmentation Services with GTS to Support the Office of Information Technology
Action Requested: Approval
XVI.E. Request Approval/Ratification for Staff Augmentation Services with Global Source to Support the Office of Information Technology
Action Requested: Approval
XVI.F. Request Approval/Ratification to Obtain Mitigation Services within University Towers Kitchen and Cafeteria
Action Requested: Approval
XVI.G. Request Approval to Obtain Dispatch Console System for Department of Public Safety
Action Requested: Approval
XVI.H. Request Approval to Obtain a Partition Wall within the Thurgood Marshall School of Law
Action Requested: Approval
XVI.I. Request Approval to Obtain Pest Control Services
Action Requested: Approval
XVI.J. Request Approval/Ratification Regarding Flooring Services at Transformation Village
Action Requested: Approval
XVI.K. Request Approval for Emergency Restoration of Freeze Damage to University Facilities
Action Requested: Approval
XVI.L. Request Approval to Continue Staff Augmentation in Facilities Management
Action Requested: Approval
XVI.M. Request Approval to Negotiate and Execute for Demolition Services
Action Requested: Approval
XVI.N. Request Authorization to Negotiate and Execute Regarding Elevator Modernization
Action Requested: Approval
XVI.O. Request Approval/Ratification to Construct an Athletic Weight Training Facility
Action Requested: Approval
XVI.P. Request Approval to Negotiate and Execute Regarding Athletic Fields
Action Requested: Approval
XVII. Executive Session
Regent Albert H. Myres, Board Chair
XVII.A. Texas Government Code - Section 551.071 - Consultation with University Attorney(s).
XVII.B. Texas Government Code - Section 551.072 - Deliberations concerning Purchase, Lease or Value of Real Property.
XVII.C. Texas Government Code - Section 551.073 - Deliberations about Negotiated Contracts for Prospective Gifts or Donations.
XVII.D. Texas Government Code - Section 551.074 - Personnel Matters, including Appointment, Evaluation or Dismissal of Personnel.
XVIII. Reconvene in Open Session to Consider Action on Executive Session Items as Necessary
XIX. Adjourn