June 17, 2021 at 8:30 AM - Standing Committees/Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Prayer
Reverend Delwin E. Benton
IV. Open Forum
V. Conflict of Interest
VI. Board Business
VI.C. Oath of Office administered to the Recently Appointed Board of Regents
Action Requested: Information
VI.D. Presentation of Proclamations to former Student Regents
Action Requested: Information
VI.E. Discuss, Select and Approve the Contract of the Sole Finalist, Dr. Lesia L. Crumpton-Young, as President of Texas Southern University
Action Requested: Approval |
VI.F. Chairman's Comments
VII. Athletics
Presenters: Regent Stephanie D. Nellons-Paige & Mr. Kevin L. Granger, Vice President of Intercollegiate Athletics |
VII.A. Softball Championship Team
Action Requested: Information
VIII. Administration and Finance
Presenters: Regent Mary Evans Sias & Ms. Anita L. Lockridge, Interim Vice President for Administration and Finance/CFO |
VIII.A. Request for Student Accounts Receivable Write-Off
Action Requested: Approval
VIII.B. Request to Renew Affiliation Agreement with the Houston Academy of Medicine-Texas Medical Center Library
Action Requested: Approval
VIII.C. Request Change Order Authorization to Purchase Kitchen Appliances for University Courtyard from HD Supply
Action Requested: Approval
VIII.D. Subscriptions and Databases Renewal with EBSCO Information Services
Action Requested: Approval
VIII.E. Subscription and Database Renewal with ProQuest
Action Requested: Approval
VIII.F. Request to Contract with Atlanta Consulting Group Advisors, LLC for Investment Management Services
Action Requested: Approval
VIII.G. Request to Renew Contract with Arthur J. Gallagher for Student Health Insurance Plans
Action Requested: Approval
VIII.H. IT Project Management
Action Requested: Approval
VIII.I. Requested to Negotiate and Execute an Agreement for Wi-Fi and Network with Installation Services
Action Requested: Approval
VIII.J. Requested to Negotiate and Execute an Agreement for Fiber Optic and Ethernet Network Cabling Services
Action Requested: Approval
VIII.K. Request to Negotiate and Execute Audio Visual Integration Services
Action Requested: Approval
VIII.L. Request to Update Uniform State Accounting System Voucher Signature Card
Action Requested: Approval
VIII.M. Request to Contract with Segal Company for Organizational Change Management Services
Action Requested: Approval
VIII.O. Endowment Performance (April 30, 2021)
Action Requested: Information
IX. Academic Affairs, Research and Student Life
Presenters: Regent Pamela A. Medina |
IX.A. No Agenda Items
X. Development & Legislative Affairs
Presenters: Regent James M. Benham & Ms. Melinda Spaulding, Vice President for University Advancement |
X.A. Legislative Update
Action Requested: Information
XI. Personnel and Litigation
Presenters: Regent Caroline Baker Hurley & Mr. Hao P. Le, General Counsel |
XI.A. Candidate for Tenure FY 2020
Action Requested: Approval
XII. Physical Facilities
Presenters: Regent Marc C. Carter & Ms. Anita L. Lockridge, Interim Vice President of Administration and Finance/CFO |
XII.A. Request to Sell Real Estate Property
Action Requested: Approval
XII.B. Request Authorization to Negotiate and Execute a Contract for Elevator Maintenance
Action Requested: Approval
XII.C. Contract with Gregory-Edwards, Inc for the Satellite Thermal Plant Chiller Replacement and Upgrades
Action Requested: Information
XIII. Audit
Presenters: Regent Marilyn A. Rose & Ms. Charla Parker-Thompson, Chief Audit Executive |
XIII.A. No Agenda Items
XIV. Executive Session
Regent Albert H. Myres, Board Chair
XIV.A. Texas Government Code - Section 551.071 - Consultation with University Attorney(s).
XIV.B. Texas Government Code - Section 551.072 - Deliberations concerning Purchase, Lease or Value of Real Property.
XIV.C. Texas Government Code - Section 551.073 - Deliberations about Negotiated Contracts for Prospective Gifts or Donations.
XIV.D. Texas Government Code - Section 551.074 - Personnel Matters, including Appointment, Evaluation or Dismissal of Personnel.
XV. Reconvene in Open Session to Consider Action on Executive Session Items as Necessary
XVI. Adjourn