March 26, 2021 at 8:00 AM - BOARD OF REGENTS RETREAT
Agenda |
II. Call to Order and Roll Call
Presenter: Regent Albert H. Myres, Board Chair
III. Keynote Speakers: Drs. Roderick Paige & Don McAdams, "The Essence of Leadership"
IV. Administration Reports
Presenter: Mr. Kenneth R. Huewitt, Interim President
V. Administration & Finance
Presenter: Ms. Anita L. Lockridge, Interim Vice President for Administration and Finance/CFO
V.A. Budget & Financial Overview
V.A.1. Law School Budget as it relates to ABA Regulations
V.B. OIT Outsourcing Contracts, In-house Duties & Law School IT
Presenter: Dr. Mario Berry, Chief Information Officer
VI. Physical Facilities
Presenter: Ms. Anita L. Lockridge, Interim Vice President for Administration and Finance/CFO
VI.A. Infrastructure Overview
VI.A.1. Public & Private Partnerships for New Dorms
VII. Elected Leaders' Presentation
Presenters: Ms. Khaniya Burley, SGA President, Dr. Edieth Wu, Chair of Faculty Senate & Mr. LaRence Snowden, Chair of Staff Council
VII.A. University Morale
VIII. Academic Affairs, Research & Student Life
Presenter: Dr. Kendall T. Harris, Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs and Research
VIII.A. University Expansion
VIII.A.1. Corps. of Cadets
VIII.A.2. Leadership College
VIII.A.3. Acquiring a West Campus
VIII.B. Interpretation of the Education Code: 54.331
VIII.C. Recruitment, Enrollment, Retention & Graduation
Presenter: Dr. Teresa R. McKinney, Vice President of Student Services
VIII.D. Comparative Review of Tuition for Colleges & Professional Schools
Presenters: Dr. Teresa R. McKinney, Vice President of Student Services & Ms. Anita L. Lockridge, Interim Vice President for Administration and Finance/CFO
VIII.E. College Affordability
IX. Audit
IX.A. Compliance & Accountability Overview
Presenter: Ms. DeAnna M. Nwankwo, Vice President/Chief Compliance Officer
X. Board Business
Presenters: Regent Albert H. Myres, Board Chair & Dr. James E. Lyons, Association of Governing Boards (AGB)
X.A. Board Governance & Protocols
X.B. Committee Responsibilities
X.C. Goals, Objectives & Strategies: Years 1-5
XI. Executive Session
Regent Albert H. Myres, Board Chair
XI.A. Texas Government Code - Section 551.071 - Consultation with University Attorney(s).
XI.B. Texas Government Code - Section 551.072 - Deliberations concerning Purchase, Lease or Value of Real Property.
XI.C. Texas Government Code - Section 551.073 - Deliberations about Negotiated Contracts for Prospective Gifts or Donations.
XI.D. Texas Government Code - Section 551.074 - Personnel Matters, including Appointment, Evaluation or Dismissal of Personnel.
XII. Reconvene in Open Session to Consider Action on Executive Session Items as Necessary
XIII. Adjourn