January 25, 2019 at 9:00 AM - Board of Regents Retreat
Agenda |
I.A. Breakfast
I.B. Call to Order and Roll Call
Regent Glenn O. Lewis, Board Chair
I.C. Topics for Discussion and/or Action
I.C.2. Lease Agreement with Foundation
Presenter: Mr. Kenneth R. Huewitt, Vice President of Administration and Finance/CFO Action Requested: Approval |
I.D. Administration Reports
I.E. Student Success and Completion
Presenters: Mr. Wendell Williams, Special Assistant to the President, Dr. Kendall T. Harris, Provost, Ms. Janna L. Chancey, Sr. Assoc. VP of Enrollment Management, Dr. Raijanel S. Crockem, Executive Director of Institutional Assessment, Planning, & Effectiveness, & Dr. Charlene M. James, Executive Director of Student Academic Support Services
I.E.1. Persistence & Progression
I.E.2. Financial Aid
I.F. Recess for Lunch
I.G. Administration Reports Continued
I.H. Academic Program Quality & Research
Presenters: Dr. Kendall T. Harris, Provost & Dr. J. Kenyatta Cavil, President of Faculty Senate
I.H.1. Upgrading Curriculum
I.H.2. Teaching, Learning & Leadership Center
I.H.3. Aviation Program
I.H.4. ABA Rates
I.H.5. Degree Programs
I.H.6. Research Focus
I.H.7. Upgrading Curriculum
I.H.8. College/School Updates
I.I. Culture
Presenters: Dr. Austin A. Lane, President, Ms. Heidi Smith, Chief of Staff & Ms. Mary Young, Chief of Police
I.I.1. Cultural Project
I.I.2. New Employee Orientation
I.I.3. Lead TSU
I.I.4. Culture Enhancing Initiatives
I.I.5. Campus Safety
I.I.6. Distinguished Speakers Series
I.J. Partnerships
Presenters: Ms. Melinda Spaulding, Vice President for University Advancement & Dr. Kendall T. Harris, Provost
I.J.1. Business/Corporation Partnerships
I.K. Finances
Presenters: Mr. Kenneth R. Huewitt, Vice President of Administration & Finance/CFO & Mr. Dominique D. Calhoun, Executive Director of Government & Community Relations
I.K.1. Campus Master Plan
I.K.2. Government/Community Partnerships
I.K.3. FY2019 Budget
I.K.4. Facilities
I.K.5. Capital Expenditure Plan
I.K.6. Student Center
I.K.7. Procurement
I.K.8. Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUBs)
I.K.9. Compensation Studies
I.K.10. Legislative Timeline/Priorities
Presenter: Dr. Gregory H. Maddox, Dean of the Graduate School
I.L.1. Timeline
I.L.2. Historical Research
I.L.3. Quality Enhancement Project
I.M. Adjourn
I.N. Dinner
II. Executive Session
II.A. Texas Government Code - Section 551.071 - Consultation with Attorney
II.B. Texas Government Code - Section 551.072 - Deliberations Concerning Purchase, Lease or Value of Real Property
II.C. Texas Government Code - Section 551.073 - Deliberations about Negotiated Contracts for Prospective Gifts or Donations
II.D. Texas Government Code - Section 551.074 - Personnel Matters, Including Appointments, Evaluations or Dismissals of Personnel