April 17, 2017 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Recognition of visitors and procedures to address board
Other guests included Mark Fritch, Christine Radcliff, and Mark Gaschler from the Wilber Republican. Keith Muller arrived at 7:49 p.m.
3. Adjustments to the Agenda
4. Public Forum
5. Consent Items
5.1. Board Members receipt of notice of meeting acknowledgement
5.2. Public notice of meeting acknowledgement
5.3. Approval of the Agenda
5.4. Approval of the regular Board Meeting Minutes of March 20, 2017
5.5. Approval of the claims and financial reports
5.5.1. General Fund - $534,221.02
5.5.2. Special Building Fund
5.5.3. Qualified Capital Purpose Undertaking Fund
5.5.4. Depreciation Fund
5.5.5. Bond Fund
5.5.6. Employment Benefit Fund
5.6. Employment/Resignation
5.6.1. Resignation of Alison Moeller, Elementary SPED Teacher
5.6.2. Retirement of Eric Hansen, Instrumental Music Teacher
5.6.3. Hire Carrie Keslar as local sub
5.6.4. Hire Nick Thompson as Instrumental Music Teacher
5.6.5. Hire Annie Ahrens as Second Grade Teacher
5.6.6. Hire Alix Bryant as Second Grade Teacher
5.6.7. Hire Danielle Boyer as local sub
5.6.8. Dave Newmyer Resignation
5.6.9. Hire Anthony Braithwait for SPED Teacher
6. Agenda
6.1. Unfinished Business
6.1.1. Secondary building project renovation timeline update
Mr. Collins reported to the Board that he has been in contact with Craig from BVH and that the bid notices have been sent out. The bid opening will be held on April 27th. We will be looking at scheduling a special board meeting on May 1st, 2nd or 3rd. The Board will be notified.
6.1.2. Report on interest survey for starting a TeamMates chapter at Wilber Clatonia Public Schools
Mr. Collins reported that Amie Albrecht conducted an interest survey on starting a TeamMates Chapter at Wilber Clatonia Schools. There were 18 to 20 people who were interested in being on the board and many more that would be interested in mentoring. They will prepare
6.1.3. Information by Mr. Collins on the future provision of Network services
Mr. Collins updated the Board on the possible Network services and costs that are available. Mr. Collins met with Chris Cerveny and their recommendation would be to pursue the ESU 6 team to provide Network Services.
6.1.4. Report on the submission of an "E-rate" Form 470 for the upgrade of the District's wireless infrastructure
Mr. Collins reported that he had submitted an "E-Rate" Form 470 for the upgrade of the district's wireless infrastructure. Bid opening will be April 28th and May 1st.
6.2. New Business
6.2.1. Discuss, consider and act on SE Nebraska Regional Service for Hearing Impaired Students
6.2.2. Consider, discuss and act on bids received, re: school milk program
6.2.3. Discuss, consider and approve the Awarding of Diplomas to Qualifying Seniors
7. Administrative Reports
7.1. K-6 Building Update- Radcliff
Mrs. Radcliff gave the Board an update on the K-6 Building activities.
7.2. 7-12 Building/Transportation Update-Fritch
Mr. Fritch updated the Board on 7-12 building and transportation
7.3. Activities/Technology Update-Muller
Mr. Muller updated the Board on activities and technology.
7.4. Department Reports
The Board reviewed other department reports.
7.5. Superintendent Absence Report
Mr. Collins updated the Board on his absences in the past month.
8. Informative and Communications
8.1. Nebraska School Law Seminar- June 10
8.2. Board Hamburger Feed is scheduled for April 21, 2017
8.3. Family Fun Night on April 21, 2017
9. Executive Session
10. The next Regular meeting of the Wilber Clatonia Public Schools Board of Education will be held on Monday, May 15, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.
Hearing no objections, President Sykes adjourned the meeting at 8:10 p.m.