March 15, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting: includes Public Hearing (re: WAIVERS) on the Regular Meeting agenda
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll Call
IV. Public Hearing for Consideration and Action regarding Resolution on Request for DPI Waiver pursuant to Wis. Stat. 118.38 due to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency for Waivers regarding Hours of Instruction, Regular Instruction Content, and School Attendance Enforcement.
V. Board Forum and Student Recognition
VI. Consent Agenda
VI.A. Approval of Agenda
VI.B. Approval of Meeting Minutes
VI.C. Consideration and Approval of Monthly Bills
VI.D. Approval of the District Financial Reports
VI.E. April and May Board Meeting Dates
VI.F. Board Policy Approval - Clerical Changes
VII. District Resident Participation
VIII. Action Items
VIII.A. Approve Resignation of Lead Foodservice Position
VIII.B. Approve Resignation of Dean of Students Position
VIII.C. Co-Curricular resignation
VIII.D. Start College Now Applications
VIII.E. Early College Credit Program Applications
VIII.F. Approve CESA contract for services
VIII.G. Hockey Coop Renewal
VIII.H. Clayton/TL Coop Agreement document
VIII.I. Board of Canvassers for April Election.
VIII.J. Accept Donation from Prairie Farm Alfalfa Fest
IX. Discussion Items
IX.A. Enrollment Report
IX.B. Board Policy updates - First read
IX.C. Building and Grounds Committee report
IX.D. Summer School pay
X. Administrator Reports
X.A. Superintendent Report
X.A.1. COVID Updates
X.A.2. Non-staff coaches - positions opened
X.A.3. EMC Insurance onsite visit
X.A.4. Board member compensation
X.B. Principal Report
XI. Adjournment