January 15, 2018 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll Call
IV. Board Forum and Student Recognition
V. Consent Agenda
V.A. Approval of Agenda
V.B. Approval of Meeting Minutes
V.C. Consideration and Approval of Monthly Bills
V.D. Approval of the District Financial Reports
V.E. February and March Board Meeting Dates
VI. District Resident Participation
VII. Action Items
VII.A. 2018 Prom Proposal
VII.B. WIAA Girls Golf Proposal
VII.C. SPED Open Enrollment Space Availability
VII.D. 2018-19 Media Specialist 66:03 Agreement
VII.E. 2018-19 Spanish Education 66:03 Agreement
VII.F. Resolution Authorizing the School District Budget to Exceed Revenue Limit for Four Years for Non-Recurring Purposes for Operational Expenses.
VII.G. Resolution Providing for a Referendum Election on the Question of the Approval of a Resolution Authorizing the School District Budget to Exceed Revenue Limit for Four Years for Non-Recurring Purposes.
VII.H. WASB Resolutions
VII.I. 2018-19 School Calendar
VIII. Discussion Items
VIII.A. Enrollment Report
IX. Administrator Reports
IX.A. Superintendent Report
IX.A.1. Fitness Center Committee Meeting Update
IX.B. Principal Report
X. Convene to Closed Session Pursuant to WI Statute 19.85(1),(c),(d),(e) and (f) to conduct District Administrator's annual evaluation.
XI. Reconvene to Open Session
XII. Adjourn