February 14, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Virtual Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Let the record show that all the Board Members and the Superintendent are present.
Let the record show the Administrators that are present. |
II. Consider the attached Accounts Payable Vouchers and the February 4, 2022 payroll for payment.
__________ moved. __________ seconded. Motion carried |
III. Consider the minutes of the January 24, 2022 school board meeting.
_________ moved. _________ seconded. Motion carried. |
IV. Superintendent and/or School Board Member Report
Goal Area 1 - Academics: All learners will continuously demonstrate academic growth. Goal Area 2 - Safety: We will provide a safe and secure learning environment for all. Goal Area 3 - Equity: We will provide a positive, inclusive, and equitable environment for all. Goal Area 4 - Communication: We will improve communication and strengthen relationships both internally and externally. Goal Area 5 - Finances: We will advocate to increase the financial resources of the Corporation to provide an outstanding school environment and opportunities for our students, staff, and community. Dr. Shirley will present a plaque to Mr. Glenn Johnson for nine years' of service as School Board President. |
V. Professional Development
V.A. Recommend Tiara Harris, Andrea Derfier, Pam Balint, Linnet Carpenter, and Jodi Garcia attend the Virtual Google Apps 2 Workshop on January 24, 2022 thru March 11, 2022 with expenses paid from Title IIA.
V.B. Recommend Artiya Nash attend the National Head Start Conference (as a presenter) on May 1-5, 2022 in Baltimore, MD with expenses paid from the Head Start Fund.
V.C. Recommend Robert Wilson and Lisa Hedger attend the Indiana’s 4th Annual Education the Whole Child Summit on February 22-23, 2022 in Indianapolis, IN with expenses paid from Title IIA.
V.D. Recommend approving the Professional Development items.
__________ moved. __________ seconded. Motion carried. |
VI. Leave/Resignation/Employment
All new employment to Lake Ridge New Tech Schools is contingent upon a cleared Expanded Criminal History Background Check within 30 days and a cleared Expanded Child Protection Index Check within 60 days of effective date. IC 20-26-2-1.5 and IC 20-26-2-1.3 |
VI.A. Recommend accepting Tiffini Mikulich’s resignation from the School Nursing position at Longfellow New Tech Elementary School effective February 7, 2022.
VI.B. Recommend accepting Zaria Henley’s resignation from the Student Supervisor position at Longfellow New Tech Elementary School effective February 2, 2022.
VI.C. Recommend accepting Lisa Buczkiewicz’ resignation from the Lead Teacher position at Head Start effective February 25, 2022.
VI.D. Recommend Raquel Orduna be employed as the Superintendent’s Secretary for Lake Ridge New Tech Schools effective January 31, 2022.
VI.E. We are recommending Victoria Pliego-Poza to the English Learner Teacher of Record position for Longfellow New Tech Elementary School effective February 15, 2022.
VI.F. Recommend approval of the Leaves/Resignations/Employment items.
_________________ moved __________________ seconded. Motion carried. |
VII. New Business
VII.A. Recommend paying a stipend to Karen Lee for services above and beyond the scope of her normal workday paid from Title I.
VII.B. Recommend approving the Collective Bargaining Agreement between Lake Ridge Board of School Trustees and Clerical Union AFT/CIO Local 662, January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022
VII.C. Recommend approving the clerical pay rates for the period of January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022.
VII.D. Recommend approving the 2021 End of Year Appropriation Transfer Resolution for the Education Fund.
VII.E. Recommend approval of the new business items.
__________ moved. __________seconded. Motion carried. |
VIII. Old Business
VIII.A. Recommend approving the second reading and adoption of the following polices:
0167.3 - Public Participation at Board Meetings - Revised 1220 - Employment of the Superintendent - Revised 1520 - Employment of Administrators in Addition to the Superintendent - Revised 2370.03 - Indiana Course Access Program - New for Lake Ridge 2603 - School Performance Internet Dashboard - New Policy 3120.08 - Employment of Personnel for Extracurricular Activities - Revised 3120.11 - Public Hearings Before Commencement of Collective Bargaining and Public Meeting Before Ratification of Tentative Agreement - Revised 3220 - Staff Evaluations - Revised 3214 - Staff Gifts - Revised 4120.08 - Employment of Personnel for Extracurricular Activities - Revised 4214 - Staff Gifts - Revised 5113.02 - School Transfer Options - Revised 5340.01 - Student Concussions and Sudden Cardiac Arrest - Revised 5460 - Graduation Requirements - Revised 5540 - The Schools and Governmental Agencies - Revised 6105 - Authorization to Accept and Distribute Electronic Records and to Use Electronic Siignatures - Revised 6114 - Cost Principles-Spending Federal Funds - Revised 6220 - Budget Preparation - Revised 6230 - Budget Hearing - Revised 7300 - Disposition of Real Property - Revised 7310 - Disposition of Surplus Property - Revised 7450 - Property Inventory - Revised 7540.03 - Student Technology Acceptable Use and Safety - Revised 7540.04 - Staff Technology Acceptable Use and Safety - Revised 8305 - Information Security - Revised 8455 - Coach Training, References, and IHSAA Reporting - Revised 8600 - Transportation - Revised |
IX. Recommend approving the old business items.
__________ moved. __________ seconded. Motion carried. |
X. Adjournment
__________ moved. __________ seconded. Motion carried. |