May 16, 2023 at 6:30 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Determination of Quorum and Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Reading of the Minutes
III.A. The regular Board of Trustee meeting held on April 18, 2023
IV. Citizens' Comments (revised by legal counsel on 08-05-2022)
During the Citizens’ Comments section of the agenda, any citizen/taxpayer (that is, any member of the public, including college employees) may request to address the board in open meeting. This is an open forum for those persons who wish to make presentations to the board and who have signed up to do so following the procedures in Board policy BDB (Local). Except as otherwise permitted by Board policy and procedures, an individual’s comments to the Board shall not exceed five minutes.
If any speaker’s presentation contains complaints or concerns about an individual employee or officer of the district, the Board may require that the presentation be conducted in executive session with the board members pursuant to the Texas Open Meetings Act. Specific factual information or recitation of existing policy may be furnished in response to inquiries, but the Texas Open Meetings Act prohibits the Board from deliberating or taking action on any subject that is not included on the agenda posted with notice of the meeting. |
V. Special Items
V.A. Reports from Board Committees
V.A.1. Board Evaluation Committee
V.A.1.a. Review of Amendments to WCJC Board Bylaws
VI. Presentations, Awards, and/or President's Report
VI.A. Retirement Resolution for Mrs. Phyllis Appling
VI.B. Retirement Resolution for Dr. Paul Spellman
VI.C. Retirement Resolution for Mrs. Joy Wind
VI.D. Presentation on Information Technology Upgrade - Amanda Allen
VI.E. Budget Process Update - Bryce Kocian
VI.F. Physical Plant Project Updates - Betty McCrohan
VI.G. Report on Recruitment Initiatives
VI.H. Report on Federal and State Legislative Items
VII. Student Success
VIII. Reports to the Board
VIII.A. Financial Reports
VIII.B. Management Reports
VIII.B.1. Financial Aid Report
VIII.B.2. Testing Report
VIII.C. Reports from College Governance Councils
VIII.C.1. April 4, 2023 Faculty Council Minutes
VIII.C.2. March 8, 2023 Support Staff Organization Minutes
By consent of the board of trustees, the following items may be acted on in a single motion "to approve the consent agenda as presented." If, however, any trustee wishes to discuss a particular item or for any reason wishes to act on any given item separately, he or she may simply notify the board chair to remove that item or items from the consent agenda, and that item will be removed and acted on separately. A trustee may remove an item from the consent agenda for any reason, and he or she is not required to justify the removal or explain the reason for the removal. |
X. Matters Relating to General Administration
X.A. Approve an Alternative Summer Work Schedule for 12-Month Employees (n/a)
XI. Matters Relating to Academic Affairs
XI.A. Approve Chemical Dependency Level I Certificate, Effective Fall 2024 ($5,000.00 per semester part-time faculty compensation)
XI.B. Approve Increased Hourly Pay Rate for AEL Instructors, effective July 1, 2023 ($15,360.00-increased cost covered via AEL grant)
XI.C. Information Item
XI.C.1. Seek sealed bids from vendors in order to purchase several pieces of equipment for our Allied Health Programs with funds from the M.G. and Lillie Johnson Foundation ($511,000.00 - M.G. and Lillie Johnson Foundation Grant Funds)
XII. Matters Relating to Administrative Services
XII.A. Approve the agreement with Abel Design Group (ADG) to prepare the Conceptual Design Booklet for the Student Center Addition (Not to exceed $20,000.00 ($17,750.25 + reimbursables) with funds transferred from the Plant Repair and Replacement Fund)
XII.B. Approval of Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Adjustments (n/a)
XII.C. Approve the engagement letter from Lott, Vernon & Company, P.C. dated May 2, 2023 ($52,000.00 - Budgeted Unrestricted Funds)
XII.D. Accept the quote from MLN Service Company to remove and replace the isolation valve in the chilled water line with a 10" Bray butterfly valve and reinsulate the disturbed insulation on the chilled water line ($9,625.00 - transfer from the Plant Repair and Replacement Fund)
XII.E. Information Item
XII.E.1. Solicit offers from elevator companies to complete a modernization of the existing elevator at the Richmond Campus to include the elevator's mechanical and electrical components (Estimated $110,000.00 - transfer from the Plant Repair and Replacement Fund)
XIII. Matters Relating to Strategy, Enrollment Management and Technology
XIII.A. Approve the refresh of equipment in three campus computer labs to adequately support the current and future software needs of the Department of Computer Science curriculum ($65,000.00 - to be moved from the MIS Fund)
XIII.B. Approve the reorganization of the Office of Information Technology (No additional cost to the institution)
XIII.C. Approve the migration of Banner to Ellucian Cloud (Implementation cost of $66,000/month for a maximum of 18 months ($264,000.00 from CRRSAA; remainder from MIS Fund); annual fees/maintenance to be paid using deferred salaries and licensing fees from approved operating budget)
XIV. Matters Relating to Personnel
XIV.A. Board of Trustees
XIV.B. Office of President
XIV.C. Office of Academic Affairs
XIV.C.1. Stephanie Barron employed as regular, full time instructor of English, FAC-7-10, effective August 21, 2023
XIV.C.2. Jason Matthew Bennett employed as regular, full time instructor of history, FAC-3A-6, effective August 21, 2023
XIV.C.3. Ruediger Cirsovius employed as regular, full time instructor of history, FAC-4A-10, effective August 21, 2023
XIV.C.4. Valerie Clayton employed as regular, full time instructor of mathematics, FAC-1-10, effective August 21, 2023
XIV.C.5. Naomi Christine Ruby employed as regular, full time director of library information and technical services, FAC-7-20, effective July 17, 2023
XIV.C.6. Lauren Sullivan employed as regular, full time instructor of English, FAC-1-8, effective August 21, 2023
XIV.C.7. Wendy Tamayo received a change in title/assignment from temporary, full time adult education and literacy career advisor, A-5-10 to temporary, full time coordinator of vocational support services, GNT-1-9, effective May 15, 2023
XIV.C.8. Paul Villa employed as regular, full time instructor of history, FAC-1-7, effective August 21, 2023
XIV.C.9. David McDaniel employed as temporary, full time instructor of IT & Networking, FAC-1-10, effective May 17, 2023
XIV.D. Office of Administrative Services
XIV.E. Office of Strategy, Enrollment Management and Technology
XIV.E.1. Sarah Lynch employed as regular, full time college recruiter, A-5-4, effective May 22, 2023
XVI. Paid Professional Assignments
XVI.A. Information Item:
XVI.A.1. Paid Professional Assignment for Pam Dobbs, Site Coordinator for Regional Student Board Exam (CRDTS), May 19-20, 2023 - $840.00
XVI.A.2. Paid Professional Assignment for Carol Derkowski, Site Director for Regional Student Board Exam (CRDTS), May 19-20, 2023 - $490.00
XVI.A.3. Paid Professional Assignment for Sharon Prince, Online ENGL 1302 Master Course Dev., Summer 2023 - $2,100.00
XVI.A.4. Paid Professional Assignment for Juieta Rodriguez, Online ENGL 1301 Master Course Dev., Summer 2023 - $2,100.00
XVI.A.5. Paid Professional Assignment for Muna Saqer, IT & Networking Curriculum Development, July 1, 2023 - December 15, 2023 - $5,000.00
XVII. Executive Session: According to the Texas Government Code (Chapter 551, Open meetings), the Board may conduct a closed executive session for the following reasons: Consultation with attorney (551.071), deliberation regarding real property (551.072), deliberation regarding prospective gift (551.073), personnel matters (551.074), deliberation regarding security devices, or a security audit (661.076), deliberation regarding economic development negotiations (551.086).
XVIII. Consideration and possible action on items discussed in closed session
XIX. Discuss Matters Relating to Formal Policy
XX. Adjourn