July 12, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll Call
IV. Declaration of a Quorum
V. Adoption of Agenda
VI. Public Comment
VII. Consent Agenda Items
VII.A Approve the Minutes from the Operations and Finance Committee meeting on June 13, 2022
VII.B Approve the Minutes from the Regular Meeting on June 14, 2022
VII.C Approve the Minutes from the Closed Session on June 14, 2022
VII.D Approve the Minutes from the Operations and Finance Committee meeting on June 23, 2022
VII.E Approve the Invoices from June 15, 2022, to July 8, 2022
VII.F Employment/Contract Adjustments
VII.F1. Replacement Staff
VII.F2. Above Pay
VII.F3. Volunteers
VII.F4. Resignations
VIII. Finance Report
VIII.A Designate the following depositories: Crossbridge Community Bank (f.k.a. Tomahawk Community Bank) and Local Government Investment Pool
VIII.B Approve contribution to Fund 46 in the amount of $900,000.00 to complete projects outlined on the Capital Projects List
IX. Designate the following School District Attorneys: Weld Riley for general services,
Quarles & Brady, Davis and Kuelthau and WASB for additional services as needed. |
X. Operations and Finance Committee Update
X.A Approve the updated Capital Projects List
X.B District Meeting Room
XI. Approve the 1st reading of the following policy:
XI.A Policy 6108 - Authorization to Make Electronic Fund Transfers (New Policy)
XII. Approve the 2nd reading of the following policies:
XII.A Policy 1421 - Criminal History Record Check and Employee Self-Reporting Requirements
XII.B Policy 1460 - Physical Examination (New)
XII.C Policy 5215 - Missing and Absent Children (New)
XII.D Policy 6152.01 - Waiver of School Fees or Fines (New)
XIII. Approve the revisions to the following policies:
XIII.A Policy 0100 - Definitions (Revised)
XIII.B Policy 2210 - Curriculum Development (Revised)
XIII.C Policy 2414 - Human Growth and Development (Revised)
XIII.F Policy 5113 - Open Enrollment Program (Revised)
XIII.G Policy 5200 - Attendance (Revised)
XIII.H Policy 5410 - Promotion, Placement, and Retention (Revised)
XIII.I Policy 5461 - Children At-Risk of Not Graduating from High School (Revised)
XIII.J Policy 5722 - School-Sponsored Publications and Productions (Revised)
XIII.K Policy 6114 - Cost Principles - Spending Federal Funds (Revised)
XIII.L Policy 6152 - Student Fees, Fines, and Charges (Revised)
XIII.M Policy 8450 - Control of Casual-Contact Communicable Diseases (Revised)
XIII.N Policy 2266 - Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in Education Programs or Activities (Revised)
XIV. Reaffirm the previously adopted Wisconsin State Standards as the Districts 2022-23 Student Academic Standards
Link: https://dpi.wi.gov/standards |
XV. Board Referrals
XVI. Closed Session pursuant to Wisconsin Statute19.85 (1)(c) "Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility" and (1)(d) "Except as provided in s. 304.06 (1) (eg) and by rule promulgated under s. 304.06 (1) (em), considering specific applications of probation, extended supervision or parole, or considering strategy for crime detection or prevention.
XVI.A Update and recommendation on filling the current Director of Teaching and Learning position
XVI.B Review written evaluation of WSSCA (Wisconsin School Safety Coordinators Association) School Safety and Security Assessment of the Pre-K through 12 facilities conducted on March 3, 2022
XVII. Return to Open Session
XVIII. Adjourn