February 23, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll Call
IV. Declaration of a Quorum
V. Adoption of Agenda
VI. Public Comment
VII. Consent Agenda Items
VII.A Approve the Minutes from the Regular Meeting on February 9, 2021.
VII.B Approve the Minutes from the Closed Session on February 9, 2021.
VII.C Employment/Contract Adjustments
VII.C1. Replacement Staff
VII.C2. Above Pay
VII.C3. Retirements
VII.D Start College Now
VII.E Early College Credit
VIII. Approval of Academic and Technical Excellence Scholarship Recommendations and the Alternates
X. Approval of the Second Reading of the following Policies:
X.A Policies 3432/4432 - Employee Sick Leave (New)
X.B Policies 3231/4231 - Outside Activities of Professional/Support Staff (New)
XI. Public Comment
XII. CLOSED SESSION pursuant to Wisconsin Statute 19.85 (1)(c) "Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the government body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility."
XII.A Employees Contract Discussion
XIII. Approval of Items Discussed in Closed Session
XIV. Board Referrals
XV. Adjourn