November 28, 2017 at 6:00 PM - Policy and Rules Committee Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Adoption of Agenda
III. Approval of October 10, 2016 meeting minutes
IV. New Business
IV.A Discuss a Regular Schedule for Reviewing Policies
IV.B Review of Policies
IV.B1. 0140 Membership
IV.B2. 0143.1 Public Expression of Board Members
IV.B3. 0152 Officers
IV.B4. 0164.2 Special Meetings
IV.B5. 0166 Agenda
IV.B6. 0167.1 Voting
IV.B7. 0167.2 Closed Session
IV.B8. 0167.6 E-Mail - Public Records
IV.B9. 1210 Board-District Administrator Relationship
IV.B10. 2411 School Counseling
IV.B11. 2416.01 Parental/Police Access to Library
IV.B12. 2421 Career and Technical Education Program
IV.B13. 2440 Summer or Interim Session School
IV.B14. 2451 Alternative Education Programs
IV.B15. 3122.01 Drug-Free Workplace
IV.B16. 3210 Staff Ethics
IV.B17. 5200 Attendance
IV.B18. 5230 Release of Student to Authorized Persons
IV.B19. 5772 Weapons
V. Adjourn
VI. Call to Order
VII. Adoption of Agenda
VIII. Approval of October 10, 2016 meeting minutes
IX. New Business
IX.A Discuss a Regular Schedule for Reviewing Policies
IX.B Review of Policies
IX.B1. 0140 Membership
IX.B2. 0143.1 Public Expression of Board Members
IX.B3. 0152 Officers
IX.B4. 0164.2 Special Meetings
IX.B5. 0166 Agenda
IX.B6. 0167.1 Voting
IX.B7. 0167.2 Closed Session
IX.B8. 0167.6 E-Mail - Public Records
IX.B9. 1210 Board-District Administrator Relationship
IX.B10. 2411 School Counseling
IX.B11. 2416.01 Parental/Police Access to Library
IX.B12. 2421 Career and Technical Education Program
IX.B13. 2440 Summer or Interim Session School
IX.B14. 2451 Alternative Education Programs
IX.B15. 3122.01 Drug-Free Workplace
IX.B16. 3210 Staff Ethics
IX.B17. 5200 Attendance
IX.B18. 5230 Release of Student to Authorized Persons
IX.B19. 5772 Weapons
X. Adjourn