July 12, 2016 at 6:30 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll Call
IV. Declaration of a Quorum
V. Additional Agenda Items
VI. Adoption of Agenda
VII. Public Comment
VIII. Consent Agenda Items
VIII.A Approve Minutes from Board Meetings June 14, 2016.
VIII.B Approve Invoices from June 15 to July 12, 2016
VIII.C Employment/Contract Adjustments
VIII.C1. Approve Replacement Staff
VIII.C2. Approve Above Pay Contracts
VIII.C3. Approve Volunteers
VIII.C4. Approve Resignations
IX. Financial Report
X. Designate School District Attorneys
XI. Designate the following depositories; First Merit, River Valley Bank, Tomahawk Community Bank and Local Government Pool
XII. Reaffirm the previously adopted Wisconsin State Standards as the District's 2016-17 Student Academic Standards.
XIII. Policy and Rules
XIII.A Second Reading of Policies:
XIII.A1. 6235 Fund Balance
XIII.A2. 2131 Educational Goal and Expectations
XIII.A3. 2110 Statement of Philosophy
XIII.A4. 2105 Mission of the District
XIV. Committee Reports
XIV.A Curriculum, Activities, and Educational Assessment
XIV.A1. Additional Math Support
XV. School Perceptions Community Survey Proposal
XVI. Director of Instruction Position Replacement Plan
XVII. Planning of April 2016 Operational Referendum
XVIII. Public Comment
XIX. Adjourn