August 21, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Opening
1.a. Call to Order
1.b. Innvocation
1.c. Pledges
1.d. Public Comments
2. Consent Agenda
At the request of a trustee, any item may be removed from the consent agenda, and considered separately |
2.a. Consider and Approve Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 17, 2023 as well as the Special Meeting of August 8, 2023, as read.
3. Regular Agenda
3.a. Consideration and/or action to approve the Agreement for the Purchase of Attendance Credit (Option 3 Agreement), and to delegate contractual authority to the Superintendent
3.b. Resolution on School Safety - Discretionary Statement
3.c. First Reading of Possible Change to DC & CDC(LOCAL) Policies
3.d. Discuss and Approve Crimestoppers MOU
3.e. Discuss and Approve Innovative Class - Principles of Exercise Science and Wellness
3.f. Consider and Approve Master Affiliation Agreement with Lamar University
3.g. Discuss and Approve a donation to EISD Volleyball program for $500 from Daniel Flynn
3.h. Discuss and Approve Recommendation from the School Safety Committee regarding Fencing Contract based on bids
3.i. Consider and Approve Non-contractural Employee Raises
4. Reports
4.a. Superintendent’s Report
4.a.1. Library Renovation and Cotton Contract
4.a.2. Roofing Options and Information - Garland Letter, bids and information on leaks
4.a.3. Financials - Budget Prep
4.a.3.a. PCAT Renewal Documents
4.a.3.b. Check Register
4.a.3.c. Cash Account by Bank Balances
4.a.4. School Safety Committee Recommendation on Safety Grant Funds
4.a.5. Maintenance Report
4.a.5.a. Ice Machine
4.a.5.b. Plumbing Issues
4.a.5.c. Planning and Requirements
4.a.6. Board Training Opportunities
Board Training Oppourtunities
4.a.6.a. EISO Training for New Members and 2 year Requirements
4.a.6.b. Goal Setting Training - Region 5/First 3 weeks of September
4.a.6.c. Team of 8 Training - Region 5/September and Early October
4.a.6.d. TASB Conference - Last week of September
4.a.6.e. Board and Bond Training - Powell Law Group / October
4.a.6.f. Strategic Planning and Facilities for Board and Community / November
4.a.7. Possible Use of Ag Truck
4.a.8. Facilities Update
4.a.9. Safety Audit results if available - Discuss Marshall or Guardian Program
4.a.10. Enrollment and Campus Updates
4.a.11. Test Score Presentation
5. Discussion: Convene for Executive Session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section: 551.076, 551.074.
5.a. Discuss EOP (Emergency Operations Plan)
5.b. Personnel Issues
6. Action: Reconvene – Open Session
Take Action on Matters Considered in Closed Session. |
7. Adjourn