February 27, 2013 at 7:30 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Certification of Meeting Posting
4. Approval of Minutes
4.A. January 21, 2013 Regular Meeting
4.A.1. February 18, 2013 Special Meeting Minutes
4.B. February 6, 2013 Special Meeting Minutes
5. January 30, 2013 Special Meeting Minutes
6. Approval of Current Expenditures
7. Public Input - (20 minutes-limit 2 minutes per person)
8. Administrative Reports
8.A. Deb Bisbach - DOS
8.B. Mike Uppena-DOS
8.C. Steve Lozeau- District Administrator
8.C.1. Elementary Hall
8.C.2. Skyward Updates
8.C.3. Budget Update
8.C.4. Election -Canvassing Plans
9. Unfinished Business
9.A. Parking issues-Specifically Fire Lane Violations
9.A.1. Approve Extra Curricular contracts
9.B. School Safety Plan - Continuing discussions
10. New Business
10.A. Approval of Robotics Field Trip
10.B. Approval of 403b Plan Amendment - Review and update
10.C. Approve change to Personnel Manual for post retirement notification
10.D. Summer School Fees-Summer Youth Rec
10.E. Approval to remain a plaintiff in class action litigation involving WEA Health Insurance (EERP)
10.F. Approve change to 2013-14 Calendar
10.G. Discuss PEP Grant and district responsibilities
10.H. Facility walk-around with Jamie.
11. Closed Session - The Board will convene in closed session in accordance with State Statutes
11.A. Personnel Staffing & Evaluations 19.85(1)(c)
12. The Board will reconvene into open session and take such action on executive session matters as appropriate.
13. Board Member Input -- Not for Action
14. Adjourn Meeting