February 13, 2019 at 6:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
2. Motion to Excuse Board Member's Absence
3. Open Meeting Law
4. Consent Agenda
4.1. Regular Minutes of January 16, 2019
4.2. Financial Statement/Report
4.3. Monthly Bills
5. Correspondence/Recognition
5.1. Congratulations and Commendations from Shannon Vogler - AdvancED
6. Public Forum
7. Discussion Items
7.1. Administrative Reports
7.2. Curriculum Report
7.3. Superintendent's Report
7.3.1. Goal 1: Foster a positive district climate by building strong internal and external relationships to support student achievement.
7.3.2. Goal 2: Continue the creation of a 5 year facilities strategic plan for implementation that addresses maintenance and improvements for existing building assets.
7.3.3. Goal 3: Foster a learning environment in which every student has the maximum opportunity to achieve academic excellence.
7.3.4. Goal 4: Continue to foster transparency in district communications using all available media technologies.
7.3.5. 2018-2019 Raymond Central Strategic Plan
7.4. Facilities Report
7.5. Review of Technology Plan
7.6. Student Board Member Report - Peyton Taylor
7.7. Americanism Committee Report (Breitkreutz - chair, Springer, Burklund)
7.8. Transportation Committee (Black- Chair, Breitkreutz, Springer)
7.9. Finance Committee (Springer- chair, Blanchard, Breitkreutz)
7.10. Facilities Committee (Blanchard- chair, Springer, Burklund)
7.11. Negotiations Committee (Black- chair, Gould, Blanchard)
7.12. Curriculum Committee (Gould - chair, Black, Burklund)
7.13. Policy Committee (Springer- chair, Gould, Black)
7.14. Update of Raymond Central Crisis and Safety Protocol
7.15. NASB Monthly Update
7.16. 2019-2020 Teacher's Master Contract - Consider, discuss, and take all necessary action
7.17. 2019-2020 Superintendent Contract - Consider, discuss, and take all necessary action
7.18. Review Public Forum Presentation(s) - Consider, discuss, and take all necessary action
8. Action Items
8.1. Approval of Substitutes
8.2. Approval of Staff Resignation(s)
8.3. Approval of Staff Appointment
8.4. Approval of Out of State Travel (Football)
8.5. Approval of NASB School Membership Dues
8.6. Approval of the ESU2 2019-2020 Title I Cooperative and Dr. Joel as the ESSA Federal Programs Delegate/Representative.
8.7. Approve Amended Policies 8151 and 8153
8.8. Approval of 2019-2020 Option Enrollment / Program Capacities
8.9. Approval of Next Regular Board Meeting - Wednesday, March 13, 2019
9. Adjournment
9.1. Important Upcoming Dates