August 10, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.a. Recognition of a Quorum
1.b. Moment of Silent Reflection
1.c. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Consent Agenda
2.a. Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)
2.b. Personnel
2.b.1) Personnel Report
2.c. Monthly Financial Report
2.d. Special Requests (Overnight or Out-of-State Field Trips, Acceptance of Donations (including a $50,000 CoVID-19 assistance by the Community Foundation of Boone County), ECA and Security Equipment Purchases, if any and as required by law.
2.d.1) Donations
2.d.2) Field Trips
2.d.3) ECA Requests
2.e. Claims ($14,912,940.65) and Payroll ($3,968,183.81)
3. Superintendent's Reports
4. Audience Comments on Non-Agenda Items
5. Old Business Items
6. New Business Items
6.a. Library Board Appointment
6.b. New Elementary School Bids
6.c. Affirm 2019-2020 Teacher Evaluation Results
6.d. Permission to Advertise 2021 Budget
6.e. ECA Year-End Reports
7. Adjournment