September 11, 2017 at 6:00 PM - Board of School Trustees Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Consent Agenda:
1.a. Minutes from previous meeting
1.b. Personnel and Special Requests (overnight or out-of-state field trips, acceptance of donations, ECA and security equipment purchase requests, if any, as per law, etc.)
1.b.1) Personnel
1.b.1)a) Monthly Personnel Shifts
1.b.1)b) IA Position Request
1.b.2) ECA Requests
1.b.3) Field Trips
1.b.4) Donations
1.c. Monthly Financial Report
1.d. Claims of $2,903,135.55 and Payroll totaling $2,582,948.29
2. Superintendent's Reports
2.a. ZEF Barn Bash - Katie Aeschliman
2.b. Zionsville Band and Orchestra Musical Instrument Endowment - Ann Pagano, Tom Landrum, and ZCHS Students
2.c. IU Honors World Language Program - Amy Conrad and ZCHS Students
2.d. College and Career Readiness Programs at ZCHS - Dana Nelson and Greg McDaniel
3. Audience Comments on non-agenda items
4. Old Business Items
5. New Business Items
5.a. Consideration of Debt Collection Service Contract
5.b. Disposal of Surplus Equipment
5.c. Continued Operations/Finance Planning Strategy
6. Adjournment