November 13, 2014 at 1:30 PM - Meeting of the Board of Commissioners
Agenda |
1. Call to Order / Roll Call ACTION
• Don Knabe, Commission Chair |
2. Consent ACTION
2.A. Approve Commission Meeting Summary Action Minutes and Transcript - Thursday, October 09, 2014
2.B. Approve the Monthly Financial Statement Month Ending September 30, 2014
2.C. Contract: Approve One Renewal and Authorize Staff to Complete Final Contract Execution Upon Approval from the Board
2.D. Approve LAUP Revised FY 14-15 Contract Exhibits
2.E. Approve ECE Shared Services Strategic Partnerhip with Third Sector New England
2.F. Receive and File First 5 LA Q4 Report
• John Wagner, Chief Operating Officer |
3. Remarks by the Commission Chair of the Board INFORMATION
• Don Knabe, Commission Chair |
4. Executive Director's Report INFORMATION
• Kim Belshé, Executive Director |
5.A. 2015-20 Strategic Plan ACTION
5.A.1) Approve First 5 LA's 2015-20 Strategic Plan: Focusing for the Future, including the following outstanding compenents:
• Mission Statement • Organizational Values • Outcomes and Priority Focus Areas • Programmatic Strategies • Projected 2015-20 Expenditures |
5.A.2) Adopt Resolution 2014-06: Approving Modifications to the Intended Purposes and Constraints Placed on Fiscal Resources, which approves the redirection of First 5 LA's available resources to the 2015-2020 Strategic Plan pursuant to First 5 LA's Governance Guidelines
• Teresa Nuno, Acting Chief of Programs and Planning • Jessica Kaczmarek, Director, Office of Strategic Planning and Implementation |
6. Approve Partnerships for Families (PFF) Contract and Funding ACTION
7. Building Stronger Families Framework Implementation Update: INFORMATION
Results Focused Actions in Best Start Communities • Rafael Gonzalez, Director, Best Start Communities • Antoinette Andrews, Assistant Director of Planning and Implementaion Best Start Communities |
8. Public Comment for items not on agenda INFORMATION
9. Adjournment ACTION