August 16, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Opening
1.A. Call to Order
1.B. Establish Quorum
1.C. Prayer and Pledges-Jake Wolf
1.D. Public Comments
1.E. Input on Utilization of ESSER Funds
Input on Utilization of ESSER Funds
2. District/Campus Reports
2.A. Elementary
2.B. JH/High School
2.C. Athletics
2.D. Curriculum Instruction
2.E. Safety and Security
3. Discussion/Approval of Consent Agenda Items
3.A. Previous Minutes of July 27, 2023, Regular Board Meeting and July 27, 2023 Special Board Meeting
3.B. Monthly Financial Report
3.C. Comparison of Revenues to Expenditures
3.D. Investment Report
4. Action Items
4.A. Discussion and possible approval of an amended good cause exception and adoption of resolution.
4.B. Discussion and possible approval of a revised stipend schedule.
4.C. Discussion and possible approval of an increase in student and staff per diem.
4.D. Discussion and possible approval of revisions to board policies DH (local), CKEA (local), CKE (local), and CKC (local).
5. Superintendent Report
5.A. District Enrollment
5.B. 2023-2024 Budget Workshop
5.C. Preliminary FIRST ratings
5.D. Student handbooks and code of conduct
6. Executive Session
6.A. Pursuant to Texas Government Code 551.074-Personnel/Employee; Government Code 551.082-Students; Government Code 551.072-District Real Property; Government Code 551.076- Security
6.A.(1) Discuss security personnel
7. Reconvene from Closed session for action, if any, from closed session.
7.A. Approval of discussed security personnel in closed session.
8. Board Activities
8.A. Discuss any future agenda items
9. Adjournment