October 18, 2010 at 6:00 PM - Special Called
Agenda |
I. Roll Call, Establish Quorum, Call to Order
II. Announcement by the Board President calling this meeting of the United Independent School District to order. Let the record show that a quorum of Board Members is present, that this meeting has been duly called, and that notice of this meeting has been posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Chapter 551.
III. Closed Session: Board will adjourn into closed session pursuant to the following sections of the Texas Open Meetings Act:
III.A. 551.071 Consultation with Board's Attorney
551.072 Discussion on the Purchase, Exchange, Lease or Value of Real Property Discussion of Proposals for Sale and/or Acquisition of Real Property |
III.A.1. Report on the status of negotiations pertaining to the acquisition of an approximate 30 acre tract of land at La Bota Ranch located north of Laredo just off Mines Road (F.M. 1472) to be conveyed by A.F. Muller Company
III.A.2. Report on the status of negotiations and consideration of terms for consideration of conveyance of up to 35 acres of unplatted and undeveloped property, with such property located south of FM1472 and adjacent to Killam Boulevard and Aquero Drive. The property to be conveyed by International Bank of Commerce
III.A.3. Report on the status of ongoing negotiations pertaining to a tract or tracts of up to 165 Acres of unplatted and undeveloped property, for several schools with such property located on Las Tiendas Road, west of IH-35 off Farm to Market Road 1472. The property to be conveyed by Las Tiendas Development, Ltd.
III.A.4. Consideration of acquisition and possible negotiations pertaining to 14 Acres of unplatted property, for school sites in the Cielito Lindo Subdivision located on the south side of St. Luke Boulevard, approximately 200 feet east of the intersection of St. Luke Boulevard and Ejido Avenue to be conveyed by Cielito Lindo, Ltd.
III.A.5. Consideration of Conveyance and possible negotiations pertaining to 20 Acres of unplatted property, for elementary school sites in Cuatro Vientos Sur and Cuatro Vientos Norte located east of Ejido Street and at the termination of Avenida de Mexico as shown on Exhibit “A” attached hereto to be conveyed by Richard Hachar
III.A.6. Report on the status of the feasibility study pertaining to a 10 acre tract of land located in the Las Blancas Subdivision, Unit 2, located in Webb County, Texas comprising all of Lot 2, Block 1, (approximately 3.1305 acres, and adjoining property in the approximate amount of 6.86 acres) to be conveyed by Home Mart, Inc.
III.A.7. Report on the status of negotiations pertaining to a development agreement with EG Ranch, Ltd. pertaining to 40 acres located off Hwy. 359, south of City of Laredo Landfill
III.A.8. Report on status of negotiations pertaining to a 21 acre tract of land located in the Tanquecitos South Acres Subdivision and belonging to 4R Minerals, Ltd.
III.A.9. Report on status of negotiations and consideration of terms pertaining to a 33.64 acre tract of unplatted property, located north of the existing Student Activity Center to be conveyed by Hurd Ranch Company, Ltd.
III.A.10. Report on status of donation of a 10-acre tract for an elementary school off of International Blvd. located north of Loop 20 and east of McPherson Boulevard. The property to be donated by San Isidro Northeast, Ltd.
IV. Action Items:
IV.A. Discussion and possible action to enter into negotiations and possible execution of a Purchase Agreement and possible purchase to approximately 30 acres of land at La Bota Ranch located north of Laredo just off Mines Road (F.M. 1472) to be conveyed by A.F. Muller Company
IV.B. Discussion and possible action to enter into a Purchase Agreement to purchase up to 35 acres of unplatted and undeveloped property, with such property located south of FM1472 and adjacent to Killam Boulevard and Aquero Drive. The property to be conveyed by International Bank of Commerce
IV.C. Discussion and possible action to enter into negotiations and possible execution of a Purchase Agreement and possible purchase to a tract or tracts of up to 165 Acres of unplatted and undeveloped property, for several schools located on Las Tiendas Road, west of IH-35 off Farm 1472 to Market Road. The property to be conveyed by Las Tiendas Development, Ltd.
IV.D. Discussion and possible action to enter into negotiations and possible execution of a Purchase Agreement to purchase 14 Acres of unplatted property, for school sites in the Cielito Lindo Subdivision located on the south side of St. Luke Boulevard, approximately 200 feet east of the intersection of St. Luke Boulevard and Ejido Avenue to be conveyed by Cielito Lindo, Ltd.
IV.E. Discussion and possible action to enter into negotiations and possible execution of a Purchase Agreement and possible purchase to 20 Acres of unplatted property, for elementary school sites in Cuatro Vientos Sur and Cuatro Vientos Norte located east of Ejido Street and at the termination of Avenida de Mexico as shown on Exhibit “A” attached hereto to be conveyed by Richard Hachar
IV.F. Discussion and possible action concerning the feasibility study pertaining to a 10 acre tract of land located in the Las Blancas Subdivision, Unit 2, located in Webb County, Texas comprising all of Lot 2, Block 1, (approximately 3.1305 acres, and adjoining property in the approximate amount of 6.86 acres) to be conveyed by Home Mart, Inc.
IV.G. Discussion and possible action to enter into a development agreement pertaining to 40 acres located off Hwy. 359, South of City of Laredo Landfill
IV.H. Discussion and possible action to enter into negotiations and possible execution of a Purchase Agreement pertaining to a 21 acre tract of land located in the Tanquecitos South Acres Subdivision and belonging to 4R Minerals, Ltd.
IV.I. Discussion and possible action to enter into negotiations and possible execution of a Purchase Agreement and possible purchase to 33.64 Acres of unplatted property, located north of the existing Student Activity Center to be conveyed by Hurd Ranch Company, Ltd.
IV.J. Discussion and possible action concerning the donation of a 10-acre tract for an elementary school off of International Blvd. located north of Loop 20 and east of McPherson Boulevard. The property to be donated by San Isidro Northeast, Ltd.
V. Adjournment