December 2, 2008 at 6:00 PM - Bond Oversight
Agenda |
I. Notice of Meeting of the Bond Oversight Committee of the United Independent School District
I.A. Bond Financial Report
Laida Benavides
I.B. Bond Construction Progress Report
Ignacio Alaniz and Mr. James Humphries,AIA
I.B.1. Killam Elementary School
I.B.2. New United High School
I.C. Recommendation for Approval of the following CREDIT Change Orders from Leyendecker Construction, Inc. for projects listed
Enrique Rangel
I.C.1. HVAC Various Campuses, Change Order No. 1, $91,248.00 Credit
I.C.2. Sewer System Improvements, Change Order No. 1, $5,000.00 Credit
I.C.3. United South High School Additions & Renovations, Change Order No. 2, $55,949.00 Credit
I.C.4. Alexander High School Additions & Renovations, Change Order No. 2, $30,845.00 Credit
I.C.5. Middle School Band Halls Additions, Change Order No. 1, $100,000.00 Credit
I.C.6. LBJ High School Additions, Change Order No. 2, $4,103.00 Credit
I.C.7. Trautmann Middle 6th Grade, Change Order No. 1, $10,000 Credit
I.D. Recommendation for Approval of Competitive Sealed Proposal No. 2008-083, from Jimmy Closner & Sons Construction Co., Inc. in the amount of $993,714.50 for “Construction of United Avenue” Project
Enrique Rangel
I.E. Public comments; each individual or group shall be allotted 3 minutes to comment to the Bond Oversight Committee on the agenda items the subject of this meeting.
II. Adjournment