February 27, 2007 at 6:30 PM - Special Called
Agenda |
I. Roll Call, Establish Quorum, Call to Order
II. Announcement by the Board President calling this meeting of the United Independent School District to order. Let the record show that a quorum of Board Members is present, that this meeting has been duly called, and that notice of this meeting has been posted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Chapter 551.
III. Pledge of Allegiance
III.A. Honor the Texas Flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one and indivisible.
IV. Closed Session: Board will adjourn into closed session pursuant to the following sections of the Texas Open Meetings Act:
IV.A. 551.071 Consultation with Board's Attorney
IV.B. 551.072 Discussing Purchase, Exchange, Lease or Value of Real Property Discussing/Action of Proposals for Sale and/or Acquisition of Real Property
IV.B.1. Report on Status of Negotiations for amending the Real Estate Contract of Sale from Four Winds, Ltd. to United Independent School District or to execute a new Contract.
IV.B.2. Confer with Legal Counsel in reference to Settlement of Cause No. 2006-CVQ-001884-C1; United Independent School District vs. Killam Ranch Properties, Ltd., a Texas Limited Partnership, et al; in County Court at Law No. 1, Webb County, Texas.
V. Action Items
V.A. Action to Accept Recommendations of Blue Ribbon Committee regarding Bond Election
V.B. Consideration and Approval of an Order Calling a Bond Election, making provision for the conduct of the election, and resolving other matters incident and related to such election Consideración y Aprobación de una orden para convocar una elección de bonos, estableciendo los procedimientos de la elección, y resolviendo otros asuntos incidentes y relacionados a dicha elección.
V.C. Consideration for Approval to Contract with the Webb County Elections Administrator to Conduct Election for Bond Election Consideración para la Aprobación de un Contrato con el Condado de Webb Administrador de elecciones que llevará a cabo la elección para elegir el bono
V.D. Discussion and possible action of amending the Real Estate Contract of Sale from Four Winds, Ltd. to United Independent School District or to execute a new Contract
V.E. Action in reference to Settlement of Cause No. 2006-CVQ-001884-C1; United Independent School District vs. Killam Ranch Properties, Ltd., a Texas Limited Partnership, et al; in County Court at Law No. 1, Webb County, Texas.
VI. Adjournment