September 30, 2016 at 10:55 PM - Board Book Training
Agenda |
1. Roll Call
2. Invocation/Pledge
3. Recognition
4. Open Forum
5. Discussion/Approval of the September 17, 2015 Regular Meeting
6. Discussion/Approval of Design Package for the 2015 Bond Program as Presented by Scott Reed of Parkhill Smith & Cooper Archetects
7. Maintenance and Transportation Reports
8. Technology Report
9. Discussion/Approval of 2015 Tax Roll as Submitted by Upton County Appraisal District
10. Discussion/Approval of Expenditures/Capital Outlay/Utilities/Investment Report
10.A. Discussion/Approval District AYP Improvement Plan for McCamey Middle School
10.B. Discussion/Approval of Resolution for Votes by McCamey ISD for the Upton County Appraisal District Board of Directors for Two Year Terms
10.C. Discussion/Approval of Budget Amendment(s)
11. Discussion/Approval of Personnel Issues Including: Employment, Resignations, Reassignment, Duties, Performance Problems and Evaluations
12. Superintendent's Report
12.A. Website for Buses/Visit Bus Facility
12.B. Staff Christmas Ham/Turkey
12.B.1. Enrollment
13. Board Meeting Date(s)
14. Adjourn