September 14, 2020 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Opening Items
A. Public comment/audience participation: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the public may still provide public comment remotely. To sign up to speak, please email by 4:00pm on the date of the board meeting. You will then receive the details to connect to the meeting to provide your public comment.
Special Items
A. Superintendent Search
A.1. Executive Session: Texas Government Code § 551.074: Personnel - Interview candidates for Superintendent of Schools
A.2. Consider and possibly name lone finalist for the position of Superintendent of Schools.
B. Mesquite Star
B.1. Executive Session: Texas Government Code § 551.071: Consultation with legal counsel regarding an Application for Value Limitation Agreement from Mesquite Star Special, LLC pursuant to Chapter 313 of the Texas Property Tax Code
B.2. Acknowledgment of District conflict of interest policy in connection with the Amended Application for Agreement for Value Limitation made pursuant to Chapter 313 of the Texas Property Tax Code from Mesquite Star Special, LLC, Comptroller Application #1222.
B.3. Consider and possible action to approve an Amended Agreement under the Texas Economic Development Act for a Limitation on Appraised Value of Property for School District Maintenance and Operations Taxes with Mesquite Star Special, LLC, Comptroller Application #1222.
Information Items
A. Acknowledgements and Appreciations
B. Student Affairs and Services Report
C. Teaching and Learning Report
D. Business and Finance Report
D.1. Revenue and Expenditures
D.2. Cash Report
D.3. Comparison of Expenditures and Encumbrances to Budget
E. Superintendent's Report
E.1. Attendance and Enrollment
E.1.a. SAT1100: District Recap Report
E.1.b. SAT2100: Six Weeks Attendance for FTEs
E.1.c. SAT2300: Average Daily Attendance
Consent Agenda
A. Pre-approve the asynchronous plan submission to the Texas Education Agency for the 2020-2021 academic school year
B. Updating signature cards for the Roby CISD General and Activity accounts.
C. MOU for Campus Alliance for Telehealth Resources offered through Texas Tech Health Sciences Center
D. Monthly Tax Report by the Fisher County Tax Collector by the Fisher County Education District #11
E. Consider and approve monthly bills.
F. Consider and approve the minutes of the special called board meeting on August 24, 2020
Regular Agenda
A. 2020 Collections Contract between the Fisher County Appraisal District and Roby CISD
B. Change the October regular board meeting date due to a school holiday on October 12, 2020.
C. Employment of Personnel
D. Reevaluate COVID-19 policy for community weight room use.