February 22, 2021 at 5:00 PM - Facilities/Bond Workshop Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation
3. Pledge
4. Approve Consent Agenda Items
5. Approve Agenda
6. Dr. John Strycker, Superintendent of Education
6.A. Approve New 16th Section Lease of WOV LLC at 16-6-7 - Subject to closing on the improvements with Mr. Mizelle
6.B. f.y.i. Discuss Facility Bond Recommendation
6.C. Approve Bond Election Date of May 18, 2021
6.D. Approve Bond Amount of 67 Million Dollars
6.E. Approve District-Wide Bond Projects
6.F. Discuss and Approve Ballot Template
6.G. Approve JCSD Construction Funds for District Restroom Renovations as Outlined
7. Executive Session TBD