March 12, 2018 at 5:00 PM - Regular Session
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Approve Consent Agenda Items
5. Appove Agenda
6. Approve Minutes: February 5, 2018
7. DR. BARRY AMACKER - Acknowledgements and Announcements (4.0)
7.A. Dr. Barry Amacker
7.A.1. Reception and Recognition of the Jackson County School District Administrators, Teachers and Parents of the 2017 - 2018 School Year (4:00 Vancleave Middle School Cafeteria)
7.A.2. District Administrator of the Year - Dina Holland (SMH)
7.A.3. District Teacher of the Year - Lindsay M. Stewart (SMH)
7.A.4. District Parent of the Year - Lori Chelette-Roberts (VHS)
7.A.5. JCSD MSBA Lighthouse Award
7.A.6. Attendance Awards for January
7.B. Dr. Susan Benson, Assistance Superintendent - None.
7.B.1. Dr. J.J. Morgan, Director of JCTC
7.C. Dr. Michael Van Winkle, Assistant Superintedent - St. Martin Attendance Center
7.C.1. Dina Holland, Principal St. Martin High School
7.D. Mary Tanner, Assistance Superintendent, East Central Attendance Center
7.D.1. Becky White, Principal East Central Lower
7.E. Todd Knight, Assistant Supperintedent - Vancleave Attendance Center
7.E.1. Dr. John Mundy, Principal Vancleave High School
8. Stuart White - Business Manager
8.A. Approve Resolution Directing the Transfer of Surplus Funds
8.B. Approve Claim Docket
8.C. Approve Student Activity Claim Docket
8.D. Approve Paid Student Activity Accounts
8.E. Approve Student Activity / Club Accounts
8.F. Approve Donations
8.G. Approve Surplus Property
8.H. Approve Receipts and Disbursements
8.I. Approve One Source Items
8.J. f.y.i. Not in Budget Items
8.K. f.y.i. Monthly Financial Report
9. Laura McCool - Human Resources and Risk Management Director
9.A. f.y.i. Workers Comp Update
9.B. f.y.i. SI 2018 09 02 01 2018
9.C. f.y.i. SI 2018 10 02 06 2018
9.D. f.y.i. SI 2018 11 02 07 2018
9.E. Approve Bus Turnaround
10. David Besancon - Technology Director
10.A. Discuss Board Website Proposal of BoardDoc/Boardbook
10.B. Approve Vendor for Extending Network Connectivity/Recommendation Letter
11. Lark Christian - Food Service Director
11.A. f.y.i. Food Service Update
12. Stewart Hurley - Special Education Director
13. Penny Westfaul - Curriculum Director
13.A. Approve Contract with Steve Constantino to Present at the Staff Convocation
14. Dr. J.J. Morgan - Career and Technology Director
15. Kimberly WIlliams - Test/MSIS Coordinator/Counselor
15.A. Approve National Board Recommendations
15.B. Approve District/School Test Security Plan Addendum
16. Dr. Susan Benson - Assistant Superintendent
16.A. Approve New Policy - Website Publishing Guidelines
17. Dr. Barry Amacker - Superintendent
17.A. f.y.i. Jackson County Planning Commission Agenda (4.2)
17.B. Request of JCTC to Contact BOS
17.C. Construction Update (4.2)
17.C.1. Projects Timeline Update - Brad Patano (Machado Patano PLLC)
Projects Timeline Update - Brad Patano (Machado Patano PLLC) Projects Timeline Update - Brad Patano (Machado Patano PLLC) |
17.C.2. Approve Machado Patano for Architectural Services for Athletic Facilities at East Central, St Martin and Vancleave
17.D. 16th Section Leases (3.1, 4.0, 6.0)
17.D.1. Approve Request of MS Forestry Commission (Most or all should be paid through a grant)
18. Trips
19. Legal Student Transfers - None.
20. Link to All recommendations
21. Licensed Administrator Recommendations 2018-2019
22. Licensed Administration Resignations 2018-2019
23. Licensed Educator Recommendations 2017-2018
24. Licensed Educators Resignations 2018-2019
25. Non-Licensed Educator Recommendations 201-2018
26. Non-Licensed Educator Resignations 2017-2018
27. Non-Licensed Educators Resignations 2018-2019
28. Substitutes
29. Licensed Educator Transfers in district 2017-2018
30. Non-Licensed Educator Transfers in district 2017-2018 - None.
31. Executive Session
31.A. Student Cases
47:17-18 SMM/DP 48:17-18 VHS/DP 49:17-18 VMS/DP 50:17-18 ECM/DP 51:17-18 VHS/EX (Parent) 63:14-15 VHS/EX (Parent) 52:17-18 VHS/EX (Parent) 50:16-17 SMH/EX (Hrg. Waived) 41:17-18 SMH/EX (Parent) 52:16-17 SMH/DP 53:17-18 ECU/EX (Parent) 54:17-18 ECH/EX (Parent) 55:17-18 SMM/DP 45:17-18 SMM/EX (Parent) 56:17-18 SMH/DP |
31.B. Legal Update
31.C. Personnel Issues