August 12, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
A.1. Call to Order
A.2. Pledge of Allegiance
A.3. Roll Call: Ms. Flores _________ Mrs. Sauceda_________
Mrs. Ogle ________ Mr. Reyes_________ Mr. Ysaguirre____________ |
Individuals will speak at the beginning of the meeting. (Board members will not be able to respond to comments from the audiences that are not agenda items (A.R.S.38-432.02 (h). Each patron will be allowed 3 minutes to address the board. During an open session, the Board shall not hear personal complaints against school personnel or a person connected with the district. Policies KE and KEB are provided by the board for disposition of legitimate complaints, including those involving individuals. |
D.1. Business Manager's report - Debi Tabeling
Ms. Tabeling reported on her attendance to the Legislative wrap up/Budget webinar and AASBO Annual Conference. A Mandatory pre-conference was held on July 7th with a low vendor attendance it was extended to July 13th to promote competition. Auditorium chair renovation is one quarter completed and curtains are installed. Building Energy Solutions Provider (BESP) is determining whether to replace the old chiller or install a second one. July bond expenditures were listed. |
D.2. Principal's report - Dr. Oranté Jenkins
Dr. Jenkins reported summer faculty in-service was held July19th-22nd, and July 26th – 29th. SCUVUHS hosted Meet the Teacher on Tuesday, July 27th. |
D.3. Food Service Director's report - Ricardo Cazares
Mr. Cazares reported on the number of breakfast and lunch meals were served during the month of July. |
D.4. Facility Director's report - Hector Longoria
Mr. Longoria submitted July’s work order list showing completed requests. |
D.5. Athletic Director's report - Coach Fitzgerald
Coach Fitzgerald reported the schedule for Varsity Football, JV Football and Varsity Volleyball. Attending AIA Fall Coaches Workshop – online, AIA Athletic Director Workshop on August 3rd, AIA new Athletic Director Workshop in Phoenix on August 2nd, NFHS Football 2021 rules and points of emphasis - online |
F.1. Discussion/Approval/Disapproval to consider action to approve the Arizona School Boards Association’s (ASBA) draft 2022 Political Agenda, and possible appointment of a representative from Governing Board of Santa Cruz Valley Union High School District to participate and vote during the Delegate Assembly meeting on September 11, 2021.
F.2. Discussion/Approval/Disapproval of Policies: BDF-Advisory Committees, BEDD-Rules of Order; BEDH-Public Participation at Board Meetings; BIB, BIB-R -Board Member Development Opportunities; DIE-Audits/Financial Monitoring; DJ- Purchasing; EEAEA – Bus Drivers Requirements Training & Responsibilities; GBGB-R-Staff Person Security and Safety; GCB-Professional Staff Contracts & Compensation; GCF-Professional Staff Hiring; GCH-Professional/Support Staff Orientation & Training; GDB-Support Staff Contracts & Compensation; GDF-Support Staff Hiring; IC-School Year; IHA, IHA-E Basic Instructional Program; IHAMB, IHAMB-R -Family Life Education; IHAMD-Instruction & Training in Suicide Prevention; IJ-Instructional Resources & Materials; IJJ- Textbook/Supplementary Materials Selection & Adoption; IKE-RB-Promotion & Retention of Students; IMB-Teaching About Controversial/Sensitive Issues; JFAA, JAFF-EA, JFAA-EB-Admission of Resident Students; JFAB, JFAB-EA, JFAB-EB-Tuition/Admission of Nonresident Students; JFB-Open Enrollment; DELETE JICA-RB- Student Dress; JK-Student Discipline; JKD-Student Suspension; JKE-Student Expulsion; JLCB, JLCB-R, JLCB-E-Immunizations of Students; JLF-Reporting Child Abuse/Child Protection; KB- Parental Involvement in Education; DELETE KI-RB- Visitors to Schools. First Reading
F.3. Superintendent's report - Mrs. Roberts
Mrs. Roberts’ reported her attendance to Pinal County School Superintendent meetings, ADE webinars and Pinal County Health Department. ASU Prep Digital Online will cover two vacant teaching positions, English and Biology. ASU instructors will being working with SC students on Monday, August 9th. Results from the Spring 2021 AZELLA assessments have been received and once the information from the 9th graders has been received it will be determined how many students will need ELL services. The special education department has been notified an in-person, on-site monitoring will be scheduled. Monitoring is a normal cycle mandates to insure the department is in compliance with both state and federal mandates. The auditorium renovations are on-going and will be completed by the end of August. |
G.1. Discussion/Approval/Disapproval to hire Juanita Aviles as a Food Service Worker for FY 21/22.
G.2. Discussion/Approval/Disapproval to hire Flora Munoz as a Lead Food Service Worker for FY 21/22.
G.3. Discussion/Approval/Disapproval to hire Michael Ibarra as the Athletic/Activities Supervisor for FY 21/22.
G.4. Discussion/Approval/Disapproval to accept Linda Jones’ letter of resignation as a Food Service Worker for FY 21/22.
G.5. Discussion/Approval/Disapproval to hire Rosedalia Ramos as a part-time Van Driver and a part-time Food Service Worker for FY 21/22.
G.6. Discussion/Approval/Disapproval to hire Matthew Nelson as an Assistant Football Coach for FY 21/22.
G.7. Discussion/Approval/Disapproval of the change in Dina Decker’s hours & work responsibilities.
H.1. Approval of Over-night Travel Request for SC CAVIT student to attend the state Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) conference on September 8-10, 2021.
H.2. Approval the Arizona Department of Education Food Program Permanent Service Agreement.
H.3. Approval of the Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between Santa Cruz Valley Union High School District #840 and the City of Eloy.
H.4. Approval of the revised FY21-22 calendar.
H.5. Approval of the IGA between Central Arizona Valley Institute of Technology Education District No. 01 and Santa Cruz Valley Union High School District from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022.
H.6. Approval of the Intergovernmental Agreement between Central Arizona College and Santa Cruz Valley Union Highs School District for Dual Enrollment from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022.
H.7. Approval of ratification of the expenditures identified in the Auxiliary Operations Fund Report for July 2021.
H.8. Approval of Student Activities Account Report for July 2021.
H.9. Approval for ratification of payroll and expense vouchers for July 2021.
H.10. Approval of Work Session, Public Budget Hearing and Regular Governing Board Meeting Minutes from July 8, 2021.