August 29, 2022 at 7:00 PM - Special Meeting
Agenda |
Call the Meeting to Order and Declaration of a Quorum.
Prayer Led By: Tommy Green
Pledges Led By: Henry Baker
TISD Board Goals: Austen Barnes
Information Item: Tiger Talk
Public Testimony - As permitted by board policy BED(LOCAL), the board allows three minutes of time per person for agenda-related comments with the submission of a Public Comment Form prior to the start of the meeting.
Public Hearing - 22-23 Budget
Action Item: Approve the Consent Agenda
Approve the Minutes from the June 20, 2022 Board meeting and the August 2, 2022 Board Meeting.
Payment of the Monthly Bills
Monthly Utilities Comparison
Budget Analysis
Tax Collection Update
22-23 Budget Amendments
Bank Balance Update
Approve Bethany Arie, Cody Maxwell, and Jessica Hall as appointed Adjunct Faculty members of Trenton ISD in partnership with the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service and Adopt the 22-23 4H Resolution.
Approve the Trenton ISD Teacher Appraisal Calendar for the 21-22 School Year.
Approve Belenda Harris (elementary campus), Amy Chambers (middle school campus), and Steven Foster (high school campus) as the campus's certified T-TESS appraisers and Julie Symanik as the district's second T-TESS appraiser for each campus.
Approve Trenton ISD Board Policy CNA (local) Regarding the District's Hazardous Bus Routes and the Proposed Resolution.
Action Item: Consider and Approve the 22-23 Budget - BAA(Legal)
Action Item: Consider and Approve the 22-23 Tax Rate - BAA(Legal)
Information Item: Safety Report - Kyle Rhodes
Action Item: Discuss and Approve Closing the TISD Petty Cash Account at CapTex Bank.
Action Item: Consider and Approve the District's 22-23 Professional Development Plan - DMA(Local)
Action Item: Consider and Approve the 22-23 Gifted and Talented Plan - EHBB (Local)
Information Item: Campus and District Reports
Information Item: Superintendents Report
Closed Session:
Approval to Convene in Closed Session to Discuss Personnel. (Texas Government Code Number 551.074) Time ________ PM
Discuss Personnel
Approval to Reconvene in Open Session: Time ________ PM