January 24, 2022 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Call the Meeting to Order and Declaration of a Quorum.
Prayer: Led by Allen Lambright
Reading of the TISD Board Goals: Amy Withrow
Pledges Led by: Henlee Waddle, Addisyn Douglas and Ayden Huff
Information Item: Campus Announcements
Announcement of TISD Students and Staff of the Month.
Information Item: Tiger Talk
Public Testimony - As permitted by board policy BED(LOCAL), the board allows three minutes of time per person for agenda-related comments with the submission of a Public Comment Form prior to the start of the meeting. No derogatory statement about any board member or employee of Trenton ISD should be made at this time and the use of the name of an individual is not permitted. No action will be taken at the meeting. However, the matter may be referred to the superintendent for review.
Information Item: Board Appreciation
Action Item: Approval of the Consent Agenda
Approve the Minutes from the December 13, 2021, Board Meeting, and the January 8, 2022, Special Board Meeting.
Payment of the Monthly Bills
Monthly Utilities Comparison
Budget Analysis
Tax Collection Update
Bank Balance Update
Information Item: District Communications:
Technolgy and Operations Report - Todd Gruhn
Action Item: Approve the Food Service Interlocal Agreement between Region 10 and Trenton ISD for both Cafeterias.
Student Services Report - Kevin Cannon
Action Item: Approve increasing the Districts Micro-Purchase Threshold of Federal Funds from $10,000 to $25,000 as Suggested by the Region 10 Federal Programs Department.
ESSER III Public Comment:
ESSER III Survey Results and Proposed Update.
Action Item: Approve the Updated Trenton ISD ESSER III Plan as Presented.
Elementary Report - Mandi Alexander
Middle School Report - Amy Chambers
High School Report - Steven Foster
Action Item: Consider approval of the Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Architect (AIA Document B101 – 2017) between Trenton ISD and BWA Architects, PLLC for facilities planning and future construction and renovation projects, and authorize the Superintendent to execute said Agreement.
Action Item: Consider approval of construction manager-at-risk as the chosen delivery method for the following project: (i) construction of a new high school within the District, (ii) modifications to the existing high school building, the existing middle school building, and the existing elementary school building, and (iii) completion of other renovations and improvements as may be deemed necessary or appropriate.
Action Item: Approve Calling for a Board of Trustee Election on May 7, 2022.
Information Item: Superintendent Report
Closed Session: Closed Session in Accordance with the Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.074 to Discuss Personnel.
Conduct Superintendent Evaluation
Review Superintendent Contract
Reconvene in Open Session: Time ________ PM
Action Item: Consider Approval of the Items Listed in Closed Session.